QuakeCon News


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More QuakeCon99 Coverage

By Steve Gibson, Aug 10, 1999 10:44pm PDT

Not to be left out, the GameCenter guys have posted a QuakeCon99 wrap-up which is a pretty good read. They of course talk about all of the sponsors...


"looks to me like he is \"putting up a tent\" while checking out the Quake Babes!"

- muggles see all 9 comments

Shack QuakeCon Picturebook

By Steve Gibson, Aug 10, 1999 1:15am PDT

Well during QuakeCon99 Huntsman was the man with a camera for a lot of the event and busted out taking a bunch of pictures for you guys and even...


"Huntsman: Nope you didn\'t. You said to his *left*. 8) I was kinda tired when I checked the pics ..."

- Martin see all 17 comments

Carmack & QuakeCon99

By Steve Gibson, Aug 10, 1999 1:15am PDT

Got a couple of write-ups of the John Carmack talk from QuakeCon99 for you guys to check out. Most of the time John spent talking about current...


"Yeh, but it\'s fun when you jump into the air and get stuck on sombodys feet. The, while ..."

- -=GadZooks=- see all 7 comments

Diehard takes QuakeCon!!!

By Jack Mathews, Aug 08, 1999 2:07pm PDT

Just about to get a haircut when I refresh the NetGames QuakeCon 1on1 page to find that Diehard (George Myshlyayev of Clan r3v) has won the tourney...


"Way to go DH.. that\'s awsome to see a local guy win a big tourney like.. Of course we\'ve all ..."

- coleco see all 15 comments

Quakecon Hardware

By Marcus Yam, Aug 08, 1999 1:58pm PDT

The kids over at AnandTech try to blend-in, down at QuakeCon...but end up talking about hardware stuffs (which is what they do best anyway :)...


QuakeCon 99 Tournament Finals

By Clay Mitchell, Aug 08, 1999 1:30pm PDT

Update: It's DieharD-r3v and Bane in the finals. K9-Gloucester defeated rix-r3v in the run off for 5th place. These are the 4 finalists and who...


"Heh, I was kinda trying to be joking but thanks for the info anyway guys... 8) -- Martin"

- Martin see all 11 comments

QuakeCon 99 Update

By Clay Mitchell, Aug 07, 1999 1:19pm PDT

Wassup. I'm mooching off one of the administrator's computers for this update. For live wire stuff, check out the QuakeCon 99 News Page. As far as...


"WHat\'s up with dat link? It\'s no go from here. Either it\'s wrong, or you freaks crashed the ..."

- primate see all 6 comments

QuakeCon 99?

By Steve Gibson, Aug 06, 1999 11:57pm PDT

Well, I wish I had watched more closely to the FFA rounds of the QuakeCon tournament so I could give you guys better info on what is going down. I...


QuakeCon 99 Coverage

By Steve Gibson, Aug 05, 1999 8:59pm PDT

A bit more QuakeCon action for you guys. Check out the Frag.com QuakeCon coverage page which opens up with a H2H interview. Also word over on the...


"\"type some text bozo\" okie dokey Hmm, where are the people that are bent outta shape? I am ..."

- scrap see all 3 comments

QuakeCon 99 Info/Coverage

By Steve Gibson, Aug 05, 1999 4:29am PDT

NetGamesUSA has opened up their QuakeCon99 coverage page which doesnt have a whole lot there just yet, but I highly recommend keeping your eye on...


Road To QuakeCon99

By Steve Gibson, Aug 03, 1999 4:18am PDT

The Road To QuakeCon has been updated again with some chit-chat with Anna Kang of id Software. If you are interested in attending the event you...


Todd H. on QuakeCon99

By Steve Gibson, Aug 02, 1999 4:36pm PDT

Todd Hollenshead, captain CEO man over at id Software has a lengthy .plan update talking about QuakeCon99 which fires up later this week. Speaking...


"dude quakeCon 2000 ill be there steve if yor there im gonna play you and ill win too (which i ..."

- poxinlovessex see all 6 comments