Carmack & QuakeCon99

Got a couple of write-ups of the John Carmack talk from QuakeCon99 for you guys to check out. Most of the time John spent talking about current technology and not a whole lot about what he has planned for the future. He spoke for close to 90 minutes I believe. Have a look at what our man Avatar had to say about, and when you're done with that take a look at the PlanetQuake write-up. Don't forget to check out the Ra2io write-up of the QuakeCon event. Here is a bit of Carmack's bit on timescale:

The client constantly reports to the server what it has done, so that the server can move the player around in the same way the client sees it happen. Since the you don't always get a constant stream of packets in an internet game, the client also reports the current milliseconds since it last sent a packet (AHHhh..). What timescale was doing was allowing players to change the % of the ms being sent back to the server. Basically the client was saying "oh no I didn't move 2 feet in 50 ms, I moved 2 feet in FIVE ms!", causing the client to zip around the map.

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 10, 1999 1:49 AM

    anyone else get the feeling Carmack is never going to fix that player collision code? Holy shit does that stuff suck.

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