Diehard takes QuakeCon!!!


Just about to get a haircut when I refresh the NetGames QuakeCon 1on1 page to find that Diehard (George Myshlyayev of Clan r3v) has won the tourney 18-5!!!! Update from Clay: DieharD-r3v gave us all a scare and went down 4-0, but then proceeded to open up the extra can of whupass he was hiding in his backpack and just went off to defeat an extremely skilled 1134-Bane. There are demos and screenshots of the game that show off the cool acorbatics with the lightguns. We'll get these up as soon as possible. Oh yeah, Bane wants all of you to know that 1134 put the "34" in ph34r. Good game, guys.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 8, 1999 2:20 PM

    If what I read earlier is true (re: DH being Canadian),


    WTG man!!

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