DirectX 11 News


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3DMark releases new DirectX 11 trailer

By John Keefer, Dec 03, 2012 12:50pm PST

With new DirectX 11 video cards already hitting the market, Futuremark has released a new benchmarking tool to help developers and players make sure they are getting the most out of their high-perfomance rigs.


"Is this benchmark for those who can run dx11.1 only? I'm assuming its just plain dx11."

- ant_hillbilly see all 4 comments

3DMark teases new DirectX 11 demo

By Andrew Yoon, Jun 21, 2012 9:30am PDT

Futuremark, developers of 3DMark, has announced a new DirectX 11 benchmark will be available later this year. An accompanying video shows off what we can expect when we start testing our rigs.


"holy shit that's some terrible model animation they got there. "

- loco3kgt see all 7 comments

Batman: Arkham City PC patch fixes DirectX 11 for some, not all

By Alice O'Connor, Dec 07, 2011 5:45am PST

The dark days of dire DirectX 11 performance in Batman: Arkham City are at an end, thanks to a new patch. Unless you're running a 32-bit version of Windows 7 or Vista, that is, in which case you should avoid DX 11 entirely until it's patched again.


"Even with patch, the game looks negligibly better in DX11, and plays much more choppily. I'd ..."

- PenicillinX57 see all 11 comments

Batman: Arkham City PC edition dated, PhysX effects unveiled

By Alice O'Connor, Oct 19, 2011 6:00am PDT

With the console editions of Batman: Arkham City out the Bat-door, a release date and shiny PhysX effects have been announced for the delayed PC version. It'll hit on November 15, crammed full of lovely particles.


"LOL so an 8800 gt runs the game just as well as a 560 ? Except you get flying paper and debris? ..."

- desevil see all 30 comments

Square Enix preparing DX11 'Luminous Studio' engine

By Andrew Yoon, Aug 26, 2011 1:00pm PDT

Square Enix's Japanese technology division is working on a brand new multi-platform engine, one that's fully compliant with DirectX 11.


"It'd be cheaper to push the game to 60 or 120 FPS than do realistic motion blur. You're talking ..."

- PyroRegia see all 12 comments

Blacklight Retribution DirectX 11 features detailed

By Alice O'Connor, Jun 30, 2011 9:00am PDT

A new Blacklight Retribution trailer and screenshots show off its DirectX 11-enhanced graphics, supporting its claim to be the first free-to-play FPS using the shiny bells and whistles.


"I just hope they have the BSOD flashbangs and pixelation smoke grenades."

- Memphis-Ahn see all 10 comments

Crysis 2 DirectX 11 video shows off graphical upgrades

By Andrew Yoon, Jun 27, 2011 12:15pm PDT

As promised, Crysis 2's "Ultra Upgrade" is available today. But what do all the new graphical effects look like when turned on?


"How am I being an idiot? The notes state it needs a 64bit bersion yet you state there isn't a ..."

- abrasion see all 76 comments

Crysis 2 'DirectX 11 Ultra Upgrade' pack coming June 27

By Andrew Yoon, Jun 22, 2011 11:15am PDT

Crytek is nearly ready to release updates for Crysis 2, targeted specifically for DX11 cards.


"Isn't that a pretty big flaw in game design, when you have to play on the highest difficulty ..."

- VoodooIT see all 50 comments

Deus Ex: Human Revolution to support 3D, DirectX 11 and more

By Xav de Matos, May 05, 2011 11:45am PDT

Square Enix and Nixxes Software have announced that the PC version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution will feature full DirectX 11 support, AMD Eyefinity features, and 3D.


"I agree, there is a tremendous amount of hardware and possible configurations to deal with. ..."

- Epsilon Sector see all 30 comments

Lost Planet 2 PC Edition Gets DirectX 11, Release Date, Benchmark Test

By Alice O'Connor, Aug 16, 2010 10:10am PDT

The PC edition of Lost Planet 2 will be released "beginning October 15," developer and publisher Capcom announced today. The news is celebrated...


"Well I understand what tesselation brings to 3d objects... but I do not see how tesselation is ..."

- Gwyndion see all 39 comments

First DirectX 11 Benchmark Released

By Nick Breckon, Oct 23, 2009 1:40pm PDT

Following the release of Windows 7, the first DirectX 11-capable benchmark tool has been released by Unigine. You can grab the 127MB Heaven benchmark on FileShack.


"Who would pay for upgrading a failed game? Making it free was the only way it would actually be ..."

- Tchest see all 91 comments