Crysis 2 DirectX 11 video shows off graphical upgrades

As promised, Crysis 2's "Ultra Upgrade" is available today. But what do all the new graphical effects look like when turned on?


As promised, Crysis 2's "Ultra Upgrade" is available today. But before you can start enabling all the new graphical effects on your high-end PC, you'll need to patch your game to version 1.9. Thankfully, you can grab that right here. Once that's done, you'll want to do grab the High-Res Texture Pack, and the Ultra Pack, of course.

The "Ultra Upgrade" offers gamers the ability to replay Crysis 2 with a number of enhanced visual effects including tessellation, water rendering improvements, high quality HDR motion blur, and more. There's also an optional high-res texture pack you can install, if you so wish. But, maybe you need to see if the upgrade is worth it before downloading the gigs and gigs of updates? Don't worry, Crytek has released a video highlighting many of the visual treats awaiting high-end PC gamers:

The Crysis 2 "Ultra Upgrade" isn't the only bonus PC gamers are going to get this week. Additionally, the Map Editor Pack will be available to download starting Wednesday. And like today's releases, it will be available for free.

Andrew Yoon was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 27, 2011 12:15 PM

    Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Crysis 2 DirectX 11 video shows off graphical upgrades.

    As promised, Crysis 2's "Ultra Upgrade" is available today. But what do all the new graphical effects look like when turned on?

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 12:41 PM

      cool, wonder if i should finally go on steam and get crysis 2.. oh wait

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 1:22 PM

      Will I need a DX11 card for these features? It's confusing now because my Windows Ult. 64 bit runs with DX11 installed. I mean, will some of the DX11 features work and others not?

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 1:24 PM

        I should mention that I have a GTX 260, that was a DX10 card back in the day. But some games REQUIRE DX11 to play and I can play them (because DX11 is installed). Gah! Confusing!

        • reply
          June 27, 2011 1:33 PM

          I would expect this would require a dx11 card because of the features (tess especially)

          What games have you been able to play that REQUIRE DX11 (if its games like Just Cause 2 it says it requires DX10/11)

        • reply
          June 27, 2011 1:38 PM

          The DX11 features will require a DX11 card. Pretty sure there are some improved DX9 effects in the patch however. Just curious... what games do you have that require DX11 cards? I know some games support it but I haven't heard of any requiring it yet.

          • reply
            June 27, 2011 1:39 PM

            Looks like a few people beat me in the time it took to sign up for an account :-)

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 1:32 PM

        What? No. If your card doesn't support DX11 then you can't run any DX11 features.

        • reply
          June 27, 2011 5:16 PM

          This is false.

          You write a D3D11 game that runs on D3D9 cards.

          Of course not all of D3D11 hardware features (like tessellation) will be available but the application can implement fallbacks for them.

          For example, paralax occlusion maps can be implemented on D3D9 hardware and they could have chosen to enable it on

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 1:34 PM

        You will need a DX11 video card.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 1:41 PM

        In order to run DX11 you need the following

        1) A DX11 capable GPU
        2) A DX11 capable OS
        3) A game that uses DX11

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 4:52 PM

        With this you will be getting texture upgrades and the restoration of many cryengine features like reflections and high quality ambient occlusion. The only DX 11 mandatory features are the tessellation and I think the parallax mapping?

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 1:50 PM

      crytek videos are forever about a bunch of bullets off of a check list

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 2:46 PM

      OK, highest settings dx 11 w medium motion blur, everything else maxed out 1080p on core i7 860/gtx 480 i get 30 to 60 fps. In the wide open areas it went around 30, and an enclosed area (like when you meet gould it was mostly 40 to 60. It never went under 29 fps or over 60, which is weird but whatever. Its probably not worth playing again if you already finished it in dx9 like I did. I still like the muliplayer but I may dial that back to direct x 9 for a better framerate and just make use of the better textures.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 6:24 PM

        Bringing Object detail down from Ultra to Extreme helps alot. Also, you never went over 60 because you had VSync turned on.

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 3:36 PM

      I'll wait for the valcan_s review.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 3:51 PM

        MAXIMUM awesome]b \m/ \m/

        • reply
          June 27, 2011 3:51 PM

          Heh, that's why I'm not valcan_s

          • reply
            June 27, 2011 4:00 PM

            LOL :) its all good man, my god I love this update, I am re playing the game now its so amazing.

            Good thing the game already had solid gameplay and level design so this update makes it the ULTIMATE FPS you can get right now.

            Hope you have a chance to try it out on your rig.

            • reply
              June 28, 2011 1:43 AM

              i agree about the visuals but that still doesnt make it a fun game, for some reason i keep losing interest during the SP campaign and never finishing it compared to replaying crysis 1/warhead tons of times

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 3:45 PM

      I'm gonna try this out over the next week, see if the gameplay in the game still makes me want to stab kittens or if I can get over it.

      I think the first 15 minutes (getting off the ship, escaping the warehouse, killing my first 20 dudes) was quite fun, it's just after that it got more and more .. linear and the bad guys bugged me.

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 3:58 PM

      WOWWWWWW ok this is the system melting crysis I'm used to. DX11 with the ultra pack is intense.

      I gotta back down the settings, this 5850 is getting tortured, but probably CPU limited in a big way.

      sure looks nice though, impressive.

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 4:03 PM

      Wow, seeing that actually has convinced me to buy it. I didn't think it would make a difference.

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 4:10 PM

      I'm tempted to buy this now... problem is Steam doesn't sell it. All my games are on Steam.... Guess I'm not gonna buy it.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 4:13 PM

        The steam version looks like it's 32bit only - I'm trying to make sense of their forums. Apparently one of those patches requires 64bit :/

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 4:54 PM

        Get it on GoG, then. There's no better place to get a game if it's available there. You get free hosting of a compatibility-fixed, legally cracked game along with extras and forums/support.

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 4:47 PM

      i can't wait for this to get released on Steam

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 5:51 PM

      im putting my consoles on craigslist and upgrading my PC. I dont know what the hell i was thinking when i bought this game for the x360.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 6:57 PM

        Well back then it didn't look THAT much better on PC.

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 6:05 PM

      can't wait to try this!

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 6:07 PM

      Is anyone else not able to load their games now? It crashes when loading the level and says an error has caused crysis2.exe to stop working. I have a gtx470, windows 7 64 bit, and have the game on steam. It worked fine before the dx11 and hi res texture patch.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 6:26 PM

        I guess the patch broke my game for now. I can't play even with the dx 11 and hi res features turned off : ( It looks like some other people have the same problem though including people with ATI cards.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 6:58 PM

        Loaded a save fine for me.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 8:31 PM

        First mission I completed with the patch enabled crapped out (and I had to do an annoying boss fight over again) once, but it hasn't happened since.

      • reply
        June 27, 2011 9:53 PM

        oh it loads..... at 5 FPS maybe. hahaha. I gotta turn this shit back down!

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 6:50 PM

      the water... omg

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 6:57 PM

      Game looks great now (I thought it did before). Looking forward to some performance tweaks by Nvidia.

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 8:07 PM

      Does the 720p option even do anything on this video?

    • reply
      June 27, 2011 8:53 PM


    • reply
      June 27, 2011 10:29 PM

      Looks very very nice. I hope BF3 has an option to grab high res textures if they dont ship with the game.

    • reply
      June 28, 2011 12:45 AM


    • reply
      June 28, 2011 8:01 AM


      • reply
        June 28, 2011 1:11 PM

        Ah you guys make me chuckle :)

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