Armored Warfare gameplay trailer explores new environments

Obsidian Entertainment has released a new gameplay trailer for Armored Warfare, showing some of the game's environments and the way they crumble ever-so-quickly from a blast of a big honkin' tank.
READ MORE >Fantasia: Music Evolved trailer blasts off with Elton John

The newest trailer for Fantasia: Music Evolved takes players into space. And of course, they're playing "Rocketman."
READ MORE >Gauntlet preview: dungeon party

Atari's classic Gauntlet will soon make a much-anticipated return, thanks to Warner Bros.
READ MORE >'Zero Point' director explains filmmaking with Oculus Rift

Condition One is using Oculus Rift to take films to new, exciting places and director Danfung Dennis explains some of the technology used to make VR films possible.
READ MORE >"It was actually a line from Star Wars about the force... I replace "The Force" with Porn and it ..."
see all 6 commentsThis War of Mine preview: war and peace

There's nothing glamorous about living in war and nothing illustrates that more than 11-Bit's upcoming survival game, This War of Mine.
READ MORE >Pig Eat Ball preview: a multiplayer game with massage chairs

Pig Eat Ball is a simple four-player party game with a pretty big twist: it uses massage chairs.
READ MORE >Ken Kutaragi, 'father of PlayStation,' awarded with GDC Award & Mega64 video

Ken Kutaragi, best known as the "Father of the PlayStation," received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Game Developers Choice Awards last week... and here's a short film from Mega64
READ MORE >"That portrait is perhaps not the most flattering picture of Ken. The video is awesome though."
see all 2 commentsWorld of Speed preview: a friendly shift

Publisher has announced a new MMO racing game for PC called World of Speed, which will be developed by Need for Speed: Shift developer Slightly Mad Studios.
READ MORE >"Best thing about this game is it helped get car licenses they wouldn't have otherwise gotten for ..."
see all 2 commentsHotline Miami coming to PS4, supports Cross-Buy

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is already on its way to PS4. However, publisher Devolver Digital has announced that the original game will be...
READ MORE >Fantasia: Music Evolved preview: dynamic duets

Harmonix revealed some new details about Fantasia: Music Evolved, including five new tracks, a new explorable area, and a two-player competitive mode. Shacknews was invited to check these new features out at this year's Game Developers Conference.
READ MORE >"Remember back when Harmonix was solidly a Sony-oriented studio?"
see all 3 commentsWhy Don't Starve moved away from free-to-play

Fun fact: Klei first envisioned Don't Starve as a free-to-play adventure. So what made them change their minds? Lead designer Kevin Forbes discusses Klei's mindset during a recent GDC panel.
READ MORE >"Great artcle, thanks Ozzie! Loved Don't Starve when it came out on Steam. I'm not a huge fan ..."
see all 3 commentsApple launches 'Indie Game Showcase' on the App Store

Apple is joining the growing indie game movement, highlighting noteworthy developers in their new "Indie Game Showcase."
READ MORE >Unreal Engine 4's latest tools demoed in new video

In a new video released by Epic, Zak Parrish walks through some of the new features of the Unreal Engine's latest iteration.
READ MORE >Over 50 games coming to Wii U thanks to Unity Engine

Wii U may be struggling to get the support of big-budget publishers, but Nintendo has started making important inroads with another source of games: indies.
READ MORE >"I love Nintendo, I really do...but it pains me to agree with this statement. Some of these would ..."
see all 5 commentsZeus: Saints Row dev's canceled post-apocalyptic open-world game

Volition was working on a post-apocalyptic open-world game for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 codenamed "Zeus."
READ MORE >"Agreed. What few examples there are typically wind up being existing gameplay types with a ..."
see all 8 comments
"Needs a little bit more color and less brown dark stuff, but still excited. Gauntlet is coming back!"
- Kolzig73 see all 22 comments