Dead Island Series News


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Dead Island: Retro Revenge is a 16-bit endless runner bonus game coming to Definitive Edition

By Daniel Perez, May 09, 2016 8:03am PDT

You'll need to pre-order Dead Island: Definitive Edition in order to get revenge on the undead.


Studio behind Forza, LittleBigPlanet, and Disney Infinity tapped for Dead Island 2

By Daniel Perez, Mar 10, 2016 9:15am PST

Sumo Digital has been deemed worthy of working on Dead Island 2


"Sounds like they have the pedigree to do a zombie game properly."

- Matt Burris see all 8 comments

A new Dead Island game has been rated in Australia

By Daniel Perez, Feb 11, 2016 2:23pm PST

What could Dead Island Retro Revenge be?


Most Anticipated 2016: Daniel's Picks

By Daniel Perez, Jan 01, 2016 11:00am PST

Shacknews News Editor Daniel Perez takes a look forward at the games he's most eager to get his hands on in 2016.


Dead Island Definitive Edition may have been leaked by retailer listing

By Daniel Perez, Jul 22, 2015 7:26am PDT

Deep Silver appears to be working on a Definitive Edition of Dead Island as a retailer has leaked its listing.


"Honestly, my guess is some kind of DI+DI:R combined game. It would be a relatively simple task ..."

- yukichigai see all 3 comments

Deep Silver pulls developer Yager from Dead Island 2

By Ozzie Mejia, Jul 14, 2015 2:46pm PDT

Dead Island 2's development is apparently still not going the way publisher Deep Silver has hoped, so developer Yager has been taken off the project.


"maybe they were trying to pull a Spec Ops: The Line with it."

- Stimpak Chopra see all 28 comments

SDCC 14: First look at Escape Dead Island

By Robert Workman, Jul 27, 2014 5:00pm PDT

The first-person series gets a whole new perspective in this adventure.


"It should be noted that Techland is not developing this title. This is Fatshark, the makers of ..."

- OzzieMejia see all 3 comments

Escape Dead Island takes a new survival horror approach

By Robert Workman, Jul 01, 2014 8:24am PDT

Escape Dead Island will introduce a new style of play to the series.


"so we're getting Dead Island 2, the Dead Island DotA clone and now Escape Dead Island ..."

- Stimpak Chopra see all 5 comments

Dead Island: Epidemic gameplay video explains just what a ZOMBA is

By Ozzie Mejia, Jun 26, 2014 3:45pm PDT

So how does this "ZOMBA" thing work? Deep Silver is here to explain it to you with a new gameplay video for Dead Island: Epidemic.


Dead Island 2 announced [Update]

By Steve Watts, Jun 09, 2014 6:45pm PDT

At Sony's E3 press conference, the company debuted Dead Island 2. To accompany the announcement, of course, they showed off a bloody, gory, kind of funny trailer.


"I loved the first two, definitely looking forward to this one."

- Zatric see all 16 comments

Dead Island: Epidemic closed beta begins today

By Ozzie Mejia, Feb 27, 2014 5:00pm PST

Dead Island: Epidemic is kicking off its closed beta later today, bringing the zombie-killing franchise into the MOBA realm.


"And they all fall into the same genre hence it becomes a problem in itself."

- Xulu see all 8 comments

Dead Island: Epidemic beta signups begin

By Andrew Yoon, Aug 23, 2013 3:30pm PDT

Beta signups have begun for Dead Island: Epidemic, which should give you an early look at how Deep Silver is taking their own take on the MOBA.


Dead Island Riptide review: uninspired and boring

By Ozzie Mejia, Apr 22, 2013 9:00am PDT

Dead Island Riptide is hopelessly crushed under the weight of the same problems that bogged down its predecessor.


"I played the first part for an hour or so... and never touched it again.. Looking back, even ..."

- ichfan see all 86 comments

Dead Island: Riptide preview: pulled back in

By Steve Watts, Mar 26, 2013 9:15am PDT

A hands-on with Dead Island: Riptide brings the survivors back to save a village from zombies.


"I disliked the first game. Hopefully this improves greatly over it."

- pizzaput see all 7 comments

Dead Island Riptide pre-order DLC revealed

By John Keefer, Mar 04, 2013 2:00pm PST

If you are interested in pre-ordering Dead Island Riptide (sans bloody torso), Deep Silver has revealed a couple of DLC perks available to get you into a zombie fighting mood on its tropical island paradise.


"After the DLC went all funny with this when the GOTY came out... I'm just going to wait for the ..."

- darthfusion see all 7 comments