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Sharknado: The Video Game lurching towards mobile
Sharknado is getting a video game. WE'VE ARRIVED, PEOPLE.
READ MORE >Defiance MMO goes free-to-play in time for season two
"As we head toward Season 2 of the Defiance television show, we expect that many new fans will want to join the world of Defiance, and having a system that allows them to experience the Defiance universe for free is good for everyone," Trion explained.
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Defiance player versus player developer diary
Posted Jan 25, 2013 12:20pm PST - 14,965 viewsDefiance and Trion Worlds discuss the player versus player environment in this developer diary.
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Defiance player versus player developer diary
Posted Oct 16, 2012 8:44am PDT - 133 downloadsDefiance and Trion Worlds discuss the player versus player environment in this developer diary.
"Even if they went F2P without changing anything else they wouldn't really lose as the game price ..."
- Early_Grayce see all 7 comments