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Thor: The Dark World iOS game coming from Gameloft
Marvel released the first trailer for Thor: The Dark World, a free-to-play iOS hack-and-slash that's unrelated to the upcoming film of the same name.
READ MORE >'Enter the Dominatrix' becomes Saints Row 4 DLC
The Saints Row 4 "Enter the Dominatrix" DLC will be coming 45 days after launch, and feature characters themselves giving wall-breaking commentary.
READ MORE >"Id get it just to hear the commentary. Pretty clever of them, to pull a Deadpool on us."
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Ryse: Son of Rome behind the scenes
Posted Aug 20, 2013 10:37am PDT - 14,831 viewsRevealed during the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con, Crytek offers an exclusive behind the scenes glimpse of Ryse: Son of Rome.
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Ryse: Son of Rome behind the scenes
Posted Aug 05, 2013 10:10am PDT - 62 downloadsRevealed during the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con, Crytek offers an exclusive behind the scenes glimpse of Ryse: Son of Rome.
Watch Dogs Aisha Tyler SDCC 2013 reveal trailer
Posted Jul 30, 2013 10:52am PDT - 68 downloadsAisha Tyler gets zapped into Watch Dogs as a non-playable character to help make the Chicago experience just a tad bit better.
"So, what I'm seeing is that the Protoss are actually future Asgardians."
- Ksey17 see all 2 comments