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Atomega is a Multiplayer Arena Shooter From the Makers of Grow Home
The studio behind Grow Home has its next project lined up and it'll be here sooner than people think.
READ MORE >Grow Home Review: Don't Look Down
Grow Home lets you reach great heights and explore an exotic, minimalist, alien world by climbing a giant plant. But how exciting can a climbing game be? Our review.
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Watch Dogs Open World gameplay demo trailer
Posted Sep 04, 2013 11:02am PDT - 17,974 viewsExplore the vast concrete city of Chicago as Aiden Pearce to exploit the central operating system for your benefit own in Watch Dogs.
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Watch Dogs Open World gameplay demo trailer
Posted Sep 04, 2013 9:45am PDT - 42 downloadsExplore the vast concrete city of Chicago as Aiden Pearce to exploit the central operating system for your benefit own in Watch Dogs.
The Crew Gamescom 2013 walkthrough trailer
Posted Aug 22, 2013 4:09pm PDT - 22 downloadsLearn more about the open world racing environment of The Crew, spanning from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans across the United States at Gamescom 2013.
"Exactly ^^^^ I have a feeling they may just do this, and keep on adding to the game which is a ..."
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