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Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star review: For the Birds
The first Hatoful Boyfriend was a pleasant surprise, featuring a crazy gimmick that had some surprising depth to its narrative. Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star features far less of that. Our review.
READ MORE >Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star flies in on PC next week; PS4 and Vita in time for Christmas
Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star, the follow-up to the original pigeon dating simulator, now has a release date. It'll arrive in time for the holidays, along with birds riding a tank. No, I'm not making this up!
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Foul Play launch trailer
Posted Sep 18, 2013 11:33am PDT - 3,136 viewsFoul Play hits Xbox Live Arcade and the PC with its cuddle-worthy, side-scrolling gameplay.
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Foul Play launch trailer
Posted Sep 18, 2013 11:26am PDT - 9 downloadsFoul Play hits Xbox Live Arcade and the PC with its cuddle-worthy, side-scrolling gameplay.
"It shouldn't be that shocking that I plan on playing this when I'm done reviewing the second ..."
- Daniel_Perez see all 4 comments