heroes of the storm News


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The Lost Vikings sail into Heroes of the Storm today

By Ozzie Mejia, Feb 10, 2015 10:08am PST

Blizzard is celebrating its storied heritage by welcoming back one of their classic franchise's main characters to Heroes of the Storm. The Lost Vikings are back!


"wow... jumped in for a Try map over lunch. They are so different to control. You can control ..."

- daggot see all 6 comments

Heroes of the Storm teases Lost Vikings reveal for next week

By Ozzie Mejia, Feb 06, 2015 11:05am PST

The Lost Vikings have indeed been lost in the shuffle at Blizzard, but there are several hints that the classic trio are about to make their debut in Heroes of the Storm.


"So it's Meepo without the actives? Or permanent Panda split? Pretty cool but I suck at micro. "

- Dessicator82 see all 35 comments

Opinion: How Heroes of the Storm and Infinite Crisis Shakes Up the MOBA World

By Nathaniel Hohl, Jan 30, 2015 1:00pm PST

Despite (or perhaps because of) their popularity, Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games like League of Legends and DOTA 2 have gained a reputation for being difficult to learn, which is exacerbated by an often toxic player community. However, Heroes of the S...


"Just got the Beta thanks to Shacknews key giveaway. I'm normally not a MOBA player due to many ..."

- Dr_Tran see all 11 comments

Shack Giveaway: Heroes of the Storm beta keys

By Ozzie Mejia, Jan 23, 2015 12:00pm PST

For those that find the Heroes of the Storm Founders Pack a little too expensive, Shacknews is here to help, because we are giving away Heroes of the Storm beta keys today.


"NAZEEBO - The Harlequin skin is too swaggerful... need this game!"

- mairrics see all 1434 comments

Heroes of the Storm Founders Pack bundles heroes, gold, and closed beta access

By Ozzie Mejia, Jan 20, 2015 1:15pm PST

Those that have yet to receive access to Heroes of the Storm will now have a more expensive option to take, though the Founders Pack will also include a slew of in-game goodies.


PSA: Heroes of the Storm closed beta begins today [Update]

By Ozzie Mejia, Jan 13, 2015 6:00am PST

Following a brief maintenance period, Blizzard is launching the closed beta for Heroes of the Storm with new features, leagues, and a new Hero in the form of the mighty Shaman, Thrall.


"He is. And Thrall appears to be a bit op at the moment. Or at least people have figured out ..."

- daggot see all 10 comments

Heroes of the Storm update adds Jaina and Christmas skins

By Ozzie Mejia, Dec 02, 2014 10:05am PST

The newest technical alpha update for Heroes of the Storm is adding a new heroine, along with a few new extra additions.


"Jaina is really fun! Unfortunately, they haven't removed Murky from the game yet. Looking ..."

- lefthighkick see all 22 comments

Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm Closed Beta coming in early 2015

By Josh Hawkins, Nov 07, 2014 12:00pm PST

Blizzard's upcoming MOBA, Heroes of the Storm is set to enter closed beta in early 2015.


Heroes of the Storm adds three Hallow's End skins

By Ozzie Mejia, Oct 17, 2014 1:40pm PDT

Even a game in its technical alpha can celebtate the October holidays.


"I mean, I'm not saying #GamerGate has any legitimacy, but advertising seasonal hats for a game ..."

- Haxim see all 9 comments

Heroes of the Storm kicks off final 'Technical Alpha' phase with double XP

By Ozzie Mejia, Oct 07, 2014 10:45am PDT

Blizzard is marching forward with Heroes of the Storm, kicking off a final 'Technical Alpha' phase that adds new game modes, new characters, and more.


"Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Heroes of the Storm kicks off final 'Technical Alpha' phase ..."

- Shacknews see all 2 comments

Stitches assembles onto Heroes of the Storm

By Ozzie Mejia, Aug 05, 2014 2:30pm PDT

The putrid beast known as Stitches makes the jump from World of Warcraft and joins the fight in Heroes of the Storm.


"Stitches isn't new. Only the trailer is. He's been in for a long time. Possibly since the start ..."

- lord cecil see all 8 comments

Heroes of the Storm removing Artifacts

By Ozzie Mejia, Aug 01, 2014 2:30pm PDT

Blizzard recently experiemented with the idea of Artifacts in Heroes of the Storm. However, in the wake of player concerns, the Artifacts are now being removed.


"Honestly, the difference in power with these artifacts was immediately apparent on the Dragon ..."

- daggot see all 9 comments

Rehgar joins Heroes of the Storm

By Ozzie Mejia, Jul 23, 2014 12:15pm PDT

Rehgar Earthfury, the Orc Shaman of Warcraft, is the latest character to join Blizzard's MOBA.


"er, scratch that... just saw the forum post they're extended it another few hours. so no play ..."

- daggot see all 10 comments

Shack Snack: June 25, 2014

By Steven Wong, Jun 25, 2014 6:30pm PDT

End your day with a Shack Snack, a short recap of three big stories you should know. It's like a CliffsNotes for video games! If you enjoy, don't forget to subscribe to us on YouTube.


"And music would be kinda annoying, if it's so loud that your struggling to understand what Sam ..."

- Ziz see all 11 comments