Grand Theft Auto Series News


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Grand Theft Auto 5 launch trailer takes us through Los Santos

By Daniel Perez, Nov 10, 2014 8:50am PST

With just a week left until Grand Theft Auto 5's re-release, Rockstar Games has decided to show the game off in a new launch trailer.


"Rockstar hasn't made any official statements, have they? I would definitely write up a news post ..."

- Daniel_Perez see all 7 comments

GTA: San Andreas Steam update causes more harm than good

By Daniel Perez, Nov 10, 2014 8:05am PST

An update for the Steam version of GTA: San Andreas released this weekend causing issues with save files, removes a number of songs and other things for the sake of Xbox 360 controller support. Totally worth it?


"CORRECTION: All gaming websites are claiming that previous savegames are no longer compatible. ..."

- scary_monster see all 5 comments

Grand Theft Auto 5's soundtrack getting CD and Vinyl treatment this December

By Daniel Perez, Nov 04, 2014 3:15pm PST

"The Music of Grand Theft Auto V" will be released as a limited edition collection, so get your fistfull of cash ready for its release this December.


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Xbox 360 re-releasing on October 26

By Daniel Perez, Oct 24, 2014 8:00am PDT

Rockstar Games is re-releasing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on the Xbox 360 that will include some small enhancements and a full list of achievements.


"Lol be prepared for rage on train part. Simple ass mission that everyone fails."

- Iwannaacura see all 11 comments

Grand Theft Auto 5 gets ten new Rockstar Verified Jobs

By Robert Workman, Aug 27, 2014 10:30am PDT

Take on new races and battles with new offerings in the online world. Plus, be one of the first to play a mission that's actually called "That's What She Said."


Grand Theft Auto Online gets Flight School mode

By Robert Workman, Aug 19, 2014 9:15am PDT

Update adds new land and air vehicles, new challenges, and better payouts for tough missions.


"as usual, fucking awesome trailer........pc releeeeeeeeeeeees plssssss"

- niceguynick see all 7 comments

GTA Online adds July 4 celebrations

By Steve Watts, Jul 01, 2014 7:00am PDT

Grand Theft Auto Online has updated with a July 4 themed update that brings new vehicles, guns, properties, and fashions.


Report: GTA Online Heist missions leaked

By Steve Watts, Jun 27, 2014 10:24am PDT

GTA Online's promised Heist missions may have been delayed, but an alleged leak may give us a better idea of what to expect when they do come.


"The amazing single player experience that every GTA has always had was delivered on day one. ..."

- taylorwp2 see all 6 comments

Grand Theft Auto 5 'first person' mod showed off

By Steve Watts, Jun 25, 2014 7:36am PDT

If you've ever wanted to get inside Franklin's head, a video from a modder shows what Grand Theft Auto 5 would look like in a first-person perspective.


"How do people mod 360 games? Are they on old JTAG'd consoles?"

- crummynz see all 3 comments

Rockstar apologizes for Grand Theft Auto Online multiplayer heists delay

By Steve Watts, Jun 19, 2014 6:26am PDT

Rockstar has issued an apology for its delay of the online heists feature in Grand Theft Auto 5's online mode.


"I remember them being mentioned in the GTA Online promo trailers. I have to wonder if heists ..."

- TheEmissary see all 5 comments

GTA Online adds Hipster update, you've probably never heard of it

By Steve Watts, Jun 17, 2014 7:48am PDT

GTA Online has gotten a new "I'm Not a Hipster" update, which includes hairstyles, skinny jeans, and some new weapons and vehicles.


"I was hoping for dlc in SP for heists. They were so much fun. "

- breadsticks see all 14 comments

Grand Theft Auto 5 coming to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One

By Steve Watts, Jun 09, 2014 7:44pm PDT

At Sony's E3 press conference, the company announced that Grand Theft Auto 5 would be coming to PlayStation 4 this fall.


"I admit I'm not getting too worked up over this announcement because it's just formal ..."

- Grape Flavor see all 127 comments

Grand Theft Auto Online lives 'The High Life' on Tuesday

By Ozzie Mejia, May 07, 2014 4:00pm PDT

After eight months of lucrative heisting, it's time to start living the high life in Grand Theft Auto Online. Tuesday, May 13 will introduce The High Life Update, which will add new upscale apartments located along majestic locations like Eclipse Towers and Richards Majestic...


Grand Theft Auto Online offers double cash and RP this weekend

By Steve Watts, May 02, 2014 1:00pm PDT

GTA Online players will get double cash and RP until midnight tomorrow, Rockstar has announced.


GTA Online attracts 70% of connected GTA5 players

By Steve Watts, Apr 11, 2014 12:00pm PDT

The vast majority of connected GTA5 players are diving into the online mode, giving it a long life even after its initial sales boom.


"Stopped playing before it launched Will never go back and try it"

- nevlos see all 15 comments