Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 8 infs
    By: RikiTiki2
    Have backups of your backups, and back those up
  • 8 infs
    By: CplBeaker
    Y'all mofos need to start buying Radeon instead of sucking Nvidia's dick.
  • 7 infs
    By: i38warhawk
    That'll backfire because AI is built on what we make public, and relationships are built on the shameful secrets we can only share with our spouse.
  • 7 infs
    By: redshak
    My kid just beat TLOU and I was talking about the ending with him.

    I think it's the greatest because the ending works so good on whichever side you feel about Joel.

    My son (12) felt that Joel made a huge mistake and was super pissed at him. And I totally get that and can see how someone without any dependants that would be how they'd feel. But man, as a parent my view on the ending is total opposite.

    TLOU so good
  • 6 infs
    By: EvilDolemite
    Buy Animal Well immediately.

    If you like Metroidvanias, weirdness, rewarding but very reasonable puzzles, and aren't turned off by pixel must.
  • 5 infs
    By: Serpico74
    Our suburbs are a large reason why we have a 50% higher per capita CO2 emissions of other developed countries like Japan and Germany and triple most of continental Europe, an obesity epidemic because people don't use their legs to get around, alienation from our communities because everyone is isolated on their plot of land/fortress which then leads to many of the social issues we see today (the red/blue split between urban areas and suburbs is real for good reason), the massive number of excess deaths from vehicles (car collisions, pedestrian collisions, pollution from emissions and tires, sitting so much), the list goes on.

    Its bad!
  • 5 infs
    By: Conan
    You may be missing his point. Maybe several of them.
  • 5 infs
    By: Prozium
    Probably because we've reached the point where any PC from the last decade with an SSD is more than enough for most users. As long as chrome/Firefox/edge loads instantly most users are happy.

    The rise of smartphones and tablets has also probably cut into the need for a laptop/desktop for the average user too.
  • 5 infs
    By: CptPlankton
    Also consider that your kids are learning from you and your wife about what a normal relationship is like. Even if they don’t like how it makes them feel, they may be internalizing it.

    What would you want for your kids if they were in your situation?
  • 5 infs
    By: Masem
    Anyone following Sony from around the time of when Fortnite was going cross platform knows that they put extensive value on their ability to maintain a "friendly" and secure space for players via PSN, which was a huge factor of why they didn't want to go cross-platform because they felt they'd lose their control. (Even with Rocket League, this was an issue).

    Wanting to control multiplayer aspects of games they've put out makes sense and that they are the publisher, a factor they can control, but it is stupid why they haven't expanded PSN out to as many countries affected by this and the HD2 issue.