Aardvark the Forgetful Editor

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  • In reply, as a special character...

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    • I was sleeping in my uncle's house one bright Sunday morning when I heard some commotion outside. Figuring it was my uncle throwing some ceramic pots around looking for his sword, I just rolled over and put the pillow over my head. However, the noise grew louder and my curiosity got the best of me. I threw on my cap and headed into the kitchen to check out what was going down.

      My uncle was gone. I didn't recall him saying he'd be going anywhere, but it wasn't unusual for him to just take off at any given moment. Sometimes he'd leave a note, but this time there was nothing. The noise was now a loud rumble, almost like an earthquake. I noticed the noise was coming from outside, so I stepped out to see what it was.

      There, above my uncle's house was a giant craft. I've seen some weird things in the dark world, but nothing like this. Never anything like this...

      Surely, I thought, this is it. I'm done for. Gannon has finally figured out how to finish me once and for all.

      Suddenly, the ship landed. There was a door of some kind that opened. Nothing happened though. Then I heard it...a low voice, calling for someone... could it be? The Triforce....

      Foolishly, I stepped inside.

      The voice seemed to be coming from the craft. It suggested "this game has differences from the full version." It made no sense at the time. What does this all mean?

      "Commander, please enter your name"

      For some reason, the craft thought my name was "Atlus." I consider myself to be fairly well known after saving princess Zelda so many times, so I have to admit I was a bit miffed. I corrected the name, and continued on.

      "Rookie Commander: Cheif Link"

      The ship suddenly came to life, lifting off the ground and soaring up into the sky. The force knocked me back, landing in a chair. Before I could regain a sense of direction, I was staring at a mission list. "Initiation" was the name of the mission. What have I gotten myself into? I was planning to just throw chickens around and search for rupees in the grass all day...

      Then it came time to "deploy". "Jormunganor", "Arrowhead", "Strider"...what in Hyrule's name is all of this?

      The craft beeped, waiting for my response. Confused, I pressed a few buttons to see if I could get a grip on the controls.

      "Designate your flagship" it barked. I only had one choice turning back.

      Then the words flashed across the ship's display: Commence battle. I felt a sense of despair. I longed to go back to the dungeons, caves, and forests that I loved so much.

      "Link's Armada". Slowly it sunk in...I'm in a war of some kind... what am I doing? Where's my boomerang? I forgot to bring my bomb, how could I possibly go to war without the mirror shield?

      No time to think. The ship barked at me to issue commands...who are the pilots of these other vessels? Was Tingle out there, in one of those ships...mocking me, trying to steal my rupees?

      It all seemed to happen so fast... I've had my share of experience piloting a ship, was a sea vessel...but this was something else. One of the units in my command was a "Force". Surely, a sign...a piece of the Triforce is with me in battle... I cannot lose.

      Lasers and missiles flew everywhere, like arrows. Soon I was issuing commands to the ships in my armada. We'll fight, brothers...for the good of all elves out there. I have the power... I have THE TRIFORCE! Zelda, this one's for you!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH

      The Force rammed the flagship in a colossal explosion. The battle was finally over.

      I couldn't believe it. No spin power additional hearts were needed. Move cost, attack range, evade rate...these figures danced around me. Surely, this was the future of battle.

      I made it though this time, but how can an old fashioned warrior like me make it in this crazy world?