All Stories Tagged: Valve, Page 50

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Best of 2013: #6 - Dota 2

Dota 2 is brilliant, but an absolute pig and a game I cannot recommend you play. You should, because it's the best game. But you won't like it, so don't. But honestly, do.

Valve's Abrash: VR could 'cause a sea change in the entertainment industry'

Virtual reality really is happening for real this time, we're to believe, with the backing of industry luminaries like John Carmack and Valve. According to Valve's Michael Abrash, we should see worthwhile consumer-level hardware "within two years" which makes users feel like they're really in these virtual worlds, and this may ultimately reshape the entertainment industry.

3DMark attempts to benchmark Steam Machines

There sure are a lot of Steam Machines to choose from. However, what offers the best bang for the buck? Futuremark has taken an early stab at benchmarking these systems with 3DMark.

Hello, Meet Lola