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Weekend PC download deals: Zombies and more

You have one week before the next-gen console cycle begins, so catch up on PC games while you can! GameFly Digital offers zombie titles, Steam is offering Call of Juarez and Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon in one bundle, and Humble Bundle is continuing their amazing WB Bundle!

Weekend PC download deals: Strategy titles and more

Digital retailers are ready for the post-Halloween rush, with GameFly Digital offering strategy titles, Amazon discounting NBA 2K14, Steam offering up King of Fighters XIII, and Good Old Games celebrating all things Ubisoft.

Weekend PC download deals: Arkham series for $47

Fall releases are rapidly approaching, so it's time to fill your PC backlog while you can. GameFly Digital is offering deals on Company of Heroes and some neat open world bundles. Steam is celebrating Stardock's 20th anniversary with a cool bundle of their own. And everyone's gone batty with Batman deals, with Green Man Gaming offering an Arkham Origins bundle that may leave everyone else in the dark.

Weekend PC download deals: Bundles, Capcom's 30th anniversary, and more

Let the handheld gamers have their Pokemon! PC players have some great deals to look forward to this weekend, like GameFly Digital's shooter bundles, Steam's Capcom bundles, GOG's vintage EA bundles (with none of the Origin), and Green Man Gaming giving away free Mafia II and Civ V! (Well...if you can get past the heavy traffic, that is.)

Weekend PC download deals: Bundles, XCOM, and more

The theme of the weekend seems to be XCOM, as many online retailers are putting Firaxis' classic on sale, the best deal of which might be from Amazon, who wants to give it all to you cheap. GameFly Digital bucks the trend with some amazing bundles, like Telltale and Tomb Raider packs. And Green Man Gaming loses their minds with a ginormous "Buy 2 for $15" and "Buy 3 for $8" sale.

Weekend PC download deals: EA deals, Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Valve has reminded us throughout the week that it's a great time to be a PC gamer. So stock up on PC titles right now, whether you get a stockpile of EA titles from GameFly Digital, Splinter Cell: Blacklist from Steam, your choice of TWO Bethesda titles from Get Games, or a Warhammer game from GamersGate.

Weekend PC download deals: 2K deals, Metro Franchise Pack

It's my first week bringing you your Weekend PC Deals and I come bearing gifts in the form of SAVINGS, whether it be from GameFly Digital's 2K sale, Amazon's Metro Franchise Pack, Humble's awesome games WITH soundtracks, Green Man Gaming's coupon, or from everyone and their mother trying to sell you Company of Heroes 2.

Humble Indie Bundle adds Bastion, Limbo and more

The latest Humble Indie Bundle was already a remarkable bargain, including the likes of Fez, FTL, Trine 2, and Mark of the Ninja, but apparently it could do better. Another four games have been bunged into the pay-what-you-want bundle, namely Bastion, Limbo, A Virus Named Tom, and Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken. You may have picked them up cheap in bundles or sales before but good grief, can anyone complain about this?

Shack PSA: don't install GTA 5's 'Play' disc on Xbox 360

"I don't want to post more stories about Grand Theft Auto V today," I mutter, "but it is the biggest launch in yonks, and this is relevant." Fine. Right then. More GTA 5 stories. Because no publisher wants to talk about anything else today anyway. It's a simple PSA: if you buy it on Xbox 360, don't, in your excitement, install the second disc. Because reasons, that's why.

Hello, Meet Lola