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Weekend PC download deals: every Hitman for $9

This is my last deals PSA as Ozzie will take over from next week, so I'll give it to you straight: the best download deal this week is Dota 2 for $0. It is the best game. There's your hot tip. If you insist upon spending money though, well, you can get all four Hitman games for $9. Other deals include Hotline Miami for $4, Sanctum 2 for $4, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria for $20, Skyrim's DLC-packing Legendary Edition for $32, and many splendid bundles.

Weekend PC download deals: Aliens: Colonial Marines for $5

Remember how you sneered you'd buy Aliens: Colonial Marines when it was on sale for $5? It's on sale for $5. Go on then: buy it. I'll hold you to that. Look, you know you're curious. Actual bargains worth buying include all three Thief games for $6, Natural Selection 2 for $6, Dark Souls for $8, XCOM: Enemy Unknown plus its DLC for $10, Civ V: Brave New World for $15, BioShock Infinite for $20.

Weekend PC download deals: $8 Mortal Kombat

Look, between Saints Row IV and Dota 2 I don't know why you would want to buy another video game for weeks but sure, okay, fine, here's what's going cheap at digital distributors this weekend. My Alice's Mega All-Star Turbo Pick is Mortal Kombat for $8, while other deals include The Witcher 2 for $5, Sleeping Dogs for $6, DmC: Devil May Cry for $20, and BioShock Infinite for $27.

Weekend PC download deals: the best The Bureau: XCOM Declassified pre-order

If you're looking forward The Bureau: XCOM Declassified's launch next week, the best deal on it this weekend is a pre-order for $36 or less, with the original X-Com games, and XCOM: Enemy Unknown and its DLCs thrown in on top. Other PC download bargains I slap into this list as I drink fizzy wine (not out the bottle or anything) include Serious Sam 3 for $4, TrackMania 2 Stadium for $5, everything Tropico 4 for $10, Grid 2 for $27, and loads of fine bundles.

Humble Bundle adds Metro 2033, Risen, and Sacred Citadel

You'll never Adam and Eve it: the latest Humble Bundle has only gone and added extra games. The pay-what-you-want package now offers subterranean FPS Metro 2033, fantasy RPG Risen, and brawler Sacred Citadel, on top of Saints Row games and more Risen and Sacred and Dead Island and oh so much.

Weekend PC download deals: BioShock Infinite for $30

The weekend is upon us; ready thyself. PC games going cheap digitally this weekend include BioShock Infinite for $30, Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition for $4, the first two BioShock games for $5, Sleeping Dogs for $6, Aliens: Colonial Marines and its DLC for $8 (I know, but perhaps you're curious?), The Walking Dead and its DLC for $12, Anno 2070 Complete for $17.

QuakeCon Steam sale starts with 75% off id games

Shacknews, you may know, began life in 1996 as Quake fansite Quakeholio, so QuakeCon has always been a bit special for us How marvellous, then, that Steam is holding a mighty QuakeCon sale, kicking off with a daily deal that gibs 75% of the price ticket of every id Software game.

New Humble Bundle includes Saints Row and Dead Island

Humble Bundle went slightly off piste and away from its indie roots with the Humble THQ Bundle, but it turns out getting loads of good video games for little money is broadly pleasant. Today it launched the Humble Deep Silver Bundle, offering the likes of Saints Row: The Third, Sacred 2, Dead Island Riptide and more, depending on how much you fancy paying.

Weekend PC download deals: XCOM for $9

Weekend! Here! Download sales! XCOM: Enemy Unknown for $9, Just Cause 2 for $3, TrackMania 2 Stadium for $7, all the American McGee's Aliceseses for $8, Darksiders II for $10, a few good bundles, and loads more. Okay, off to watch some Shakespeare, bye.

Weekend PC download deals: $30 for Metro: Last Light

The summer sale train keeps on rolling, with bargains including Metro: Last Light for $30, The Walking Dead's 400 Days DLC for $2.50, Castle Crashers for $4, Monaco for $7, Trials Evolution for $10, XCOM for $10, and Skyrim's DLC-packing Legendary Edition for $36. Anyone who said I drunkenly finished this before dashing out the door with my friends to go dancing is a liar.

Hello, Meet Lola