Weekend PC download deals: Talk Like A Pirate Day Edition
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There are some great PC gaming deals to be found this weekend, including Steam celebrating Capcom by offering discounts on the publisher's library. And that includes games that are brand new to Steam, like Resident Evil 5 and Dead Rising 2.
Console gamers get Destiny next week. If you're a PC gamer, then nuts to that! Fill up your machine with these PC games that are on sale this weekend.
Steam sure does love Call of Duty, but there are also some retailers that offering some major blowout deals this Labor Day weekend.
After a slow week last week, our favorite digital retailers are back with some great deals, led by Steam with a free Dishonored weekend.
Hey... where'd all the PC deals go?
There are some great deals to be found this weekend if you're a PC gamer and they're led by a free weekend for Insurgency, one of the more underrated shooters in recent memory.
Welcome to August and enjoy this week's list of PC deals for the weekend!
Forget about not being at Comic-Con by jumping into these PC deals that include Titanfall on Amazon, Broken Age and Dead Island on Steam, XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete on GameFly Digital, and a whole lot of Square Enix from Humble Bundle.
The full list of PC digital gaming deals for the weekend of July 18, 2014.