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Weekend PC download deals: For freedom!

Happy 4th of July to everyone that may be reading this weekly feature! Before you go celebrate the birth of your country by blowing up a small part of it, consider taking a look at some of this weekend's PC deals. And yes, I realize we now live in a post-Steam Summer Sale world, but there's still some good stuff to be found.

Weekend PC download deals: Steam Summer Sale continues

We're halfway through 2014 and that means summer is in full effect. How's your PC game collection looking? If it's looking barren, you might want to pick up some of these PC games that are on sale. Actually, even if your backlog is full, you'll probably wind up picking these up anyway.

Weekend PC download deals: Steam Summer Sale rolls on

It must be frustrating to be your average online PC digital game retailer. All they've heard for the last week is "Steam Summer Sale this" and "Steam Summer Sale that." Well, the fine folks at Amazon, Humble, GameFly Digital, Green Man Gaming, and all the rest would like you to know that they have deals, too. And some of them are pretty sweet deals, to boot!

Weekend PC download deals: E3 2014 recovery period

As the industry gives a collective groan of exhaustion from its annual E3 binge, online retailers continue to offer steep discounts on recent big-budget blockbusters and even more recent indie releases. This week's deals include some cheap Borderlands action, classic Final Fantasy games, and Broforce, among many others.

Weekend PC download deals: Hotline Miami and other pre-E3 madness

E3 is next week! You know what that means? That means you're getting next to nothing in terms of new releases. So that means you'd better get ready to catch up on your PC gaming backlog. And if you already have, then it's time to start taking advantage of some pretty good deals.

PSN flash sale includes Dark Souls 2, South Park, and more

With next week's E3 event set to discuss the future of games, it's time to start catching up with more recent releases. Sony, in particular, would like to help out with that cause by opening up a Flash Sale on games like Dark Souls 2, South Park: The Stick of Truth, and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch.

Weekend PC download deals: Memorial Day celebration

It's Memorial Day weekend and it's time to celebrate this three-day weekend like any red-blooded Americans (or red-blooded natives of whatever country you may be reading this in) by purchasing lots and lots of PC games. It's the American way, you know!

Hello, Meet Lola