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Humble Indie Bundle 3 adds Steel Storm
Humble Indie Bundle 3 is expanding, offering a bonus sixth game: Steel Storm.
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Another set of lovely indie games are going cheap--or expensive, if you fancy, as you name the price--in the fourth Humble Indie Bundle, including VVVVVV, Cogs, Hammerfight, and more.
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The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle Trailer
Posted Sep 28, 2011 11:58am PDT - 17,944 viewsThe Humble Indie Bundle is back, with a twist. This time, you can pay what you want for the lovely Frozen Synapse, and also receive the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle if you pay more than the average.
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The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle Trailer
Posted Sep 28, 2011 11:34am PDT - 5 downloadsThe Humble Indie Bundle is back, with a twist. This time, you can pay what you want for the lovely Frozen Synapse, and also receive the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle if you pay more than the average.
"Any platform with as many users as Windows would have similar results."
- fractured_sanity see all 14 comments