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Xbox's Mike Ybarra on the New Dash, Windows Integration, and Steam

By Steve Watts, Nov 12, 2015 9:00am PST

As you wait for the New Xbox One Experience update to download, take a look at our chat with Xbox Director of Program Management Mike Ybarra. We touched on the new dashboard's goals, integrating its design with Windows, and the sometimes rocky relationship with Valve.


"I wonder if they fully understand how much gamers hated GFWL. I hope so. Any PC work they do ..."

- dfay see all 8 comments

Microsoft introduces Surface 3 with 10.8-inch display, 10 hour battery, and more

By Daniel Perez, Mar 31, 2015 6:50am PDT

The new Surface 3 is Microsoft's latest tablet that includes Windows 8.1 and features a microUSB port, an Intel Atom x7 processor, and lasts up to 10 hours.


"This sounds good to me. But the question is, can it run Crysis?"

- Old School Jimmy see all 3 comments
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