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South Park: The Fractured But Whole preview - Duty Calls
After several delays, South Park: The Fractured But Whole is just around the corner. Shacknews recently had a chance to go hands-on with this follow-up to The Stick of Truth that looks bigger in every way.
READ MORE >South Park: The Fractured But Whole: PC Requirements Revealed
Find out if your PC has what it takes to run with The Coon.
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Rocksmith 2014 Edition New and Improved trailer
Posted Oct 01, 2013 1:20pm PDT - 22,040 viewsJoin Paul Cross for a look at Rocksmith 2014 Edition, the fastest way to learn guitar, which features an entirely revamped experience from the ground up.
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Rocksmith 2014 Edition New and Improved trailer
Posted Sep 05, 2013 11:29am PDT - 4 downloadsJoin Paul Cross for a look at Rocksmith 2014 Edition, the fastest way to learn guitar, which features an entirely revamped experience from the ground up.
Rocksmith 'Black Keys song pack' Trailer
Posted Jan 03, 2012 1:32pm PST - 18 downloadsUbisoft releases The Black Keys song pack, including "Gold on the Ceiling", "Mind Eraser", and "Just Got to Be" for $2.99 (240 Microsoft points) per song or $7.99 (640 Microsoft points) for all three.
"What a strange requirement. It varies from game to game for me, but I usually have V-Sync off ..."
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