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Tacoma Review: Space for More
Tacoma shows more signs of brilliant storytelling from The Fullbright Company, but it falls short in some key aspects. Our review.
READ MORE >E3 2017: Tacoma Interview With Steve Gaynor and Chris Charla
He stopped by to talk about the space adventure from The Fullbright Company.
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Gone Home riot grrrl style now trailer
Posted Mar 20, 2013 11:40am PDT - 12,319 viewsRevealing that six songs from riot grrrl pioneers Bratmobile and Heavens to Betsy will feature in Gone Home. The explore 'em up is made by three of the people behind BioShock 2's fine DLC Minerva's Den (and one more!).
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Gone Home riot grrrl style now trailer
Posted Mar 20, 2013 10:34am PDT - 132 downloadsRevealing that six songs from riot grrrl pioneers Bratmobile and Heavens to Betsy will feature in Gone Home. The explore 'em up is made by three of the people behind BioShock 2's fine DLC Minerva's Den (and one more!).