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The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a murder mystery from former Bulletstorm devs
Former members of People Can Fly are banding together to assemble a murder mystery, free of tacked-on combat.
READ MORE >People Can Fly vets announce horror The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
When your last three games are Painkiller, Bulletstorm and Gears of War: Judgment, surely another crazy gory murderfest will follow? Not for The Astronauts. The small studio set up last year by People Can Fly founder Adrian Chmielarz and two fellow veterans today announced i...
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The Vanishing of Ethan Carter announcement trailer
Posted Feb 06, 2013 1:26pm PST - 6,282 viewsThe founders of Painkiller and Bulletstorm developer People Can Fly found a new studio to make a new "weird fiction horror" game, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.
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The Vanishing of Ethan Carter announcement trailer
Posted Feb 06, 2013 9:23am PST - 17 downloadsThe founders of Painkiller and Bulletstorm developer People Can Fly found a new studio to make a new "weird fiction horror" game, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.
"This is interesting because Bulletstorm was a technically very solid game and while people have ..."
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