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Corpse Party: Book of Shadows celebrating on PSP next week

By Alice O'Connor, Jan 09, 2013 6:00am PST

Invited to a party! Ooh, how exciting! Your party frock is so pretty and you've brought such a thoughtful gift, but... why do half the guests have blank faces? And why are they eating people? There's no such party, of course, this is purely a lie I've told to introduce the n...


Corpse Party: Book of Shadows chilling PSP this winter

By Alice O'Connor, Oct 22, 2012 1:30pm PDT

Huzzah PSP owners, you're all invited to a party! Xseed Games is giving a reading from the Book of Shadows and bids you join it. Actually, that's a lie I told to introduce this story. In truth, Xseed has announced it's bringing anime-inspired horror-adventure sequel Corpse P...


"Makes sense, Sony's older platforms have always been supported after the next gen came around. ..."

- JeanLucAwesome see all 7 comments

Corpse Party coming to PSP this fall

By Steve Watts, Sep 01, 2011 2:00pm PDT

XSEED will be publishing the cult hit Japanese adventure game Corpse Party, bringing it to PSP (via PlayStation Network download) later this year.