Corpse Party: Book of Shadows celebrating on PSP next week
Invited to a party! Ooh, how exciting! Your party frock is so pretty and you've brought such a thoughtful gift, but... why do half the guests have blank faces? And why are they eating people? There's no such party, of course, this is purely a lie I've told to introduce the n...
READ MORE >Corpse Party: Book of Shadows chilling PSP this winter
Huzzah PSP owners, you're all invited to a party! Xseed Games is giving a reading from the Book of Shadows and bids you join it. Actually, that's a lie I told to introduce this story. In truth, Xseed has announced it's bringing anime-inspired horror-adventure sequel Corpse P...
READ MORE >Corpse Party coming to PSP this fall
XSEED will be publishing the cult hit Japanese adventure game Corpse Party, bringing it to PSP (via PlayStation Network download) later this year.
"Makes sense, Sony's older platforms have always been supported after the next gen came around. ..."
- JeanLucAwesome see all 7 comments