Sony Online Entertainment News


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Sony Online Entertainment service restored

By Alice O'Connor, May 16, 2011 6:00am PDT

Servers for DC Universe Online, EverQuest, and more returned over the weekend as SOE recovered from the hack in which user data was stolen.


"Use code GUCCI SHACK for free shipping anywhere in milky way."

- ErichTopp see all 8 comments

SOE details make-good rewards

By Steve Watts, May 13, 2011 1:30pm PDT

Sony has outlined the giveaways for the Sony Online Entertainment downtime, including double XP in EverQuest titles, free items in FreeRealms, a Slave-1 model in Star Wars Galaxies, and more.


"A lot of people are out there complaining/hating on Sony - I still just blame the hacker group ..."

- champ6 see all 10 comments

PSN restoration 'at least a few more days' away

By Steve Watts, May 10, 2011 12:15pm PDT

Sony has issued an update on the PlayStation Network restoration, saying it will take "at least a few more days."


"Sony Tech 1: "Sir! I believe there has been an attack on our network! We must shut it all down ..."

- Goto10 see all 27 comments

Report: PSN security testimony was speculative

By Steve Watts, May 09, 2011 1:30pm PDT

The expert testimony that was widely reported last week regarding Sony's server security was apparently speculative.


"Well... maybe they couldnt update because they were still running original Everquest servers ..."

- Dark Drakonis see all 8 comments

Capcom senior VP: PSN outage costing 'hundreds of thousands, if not millions'

By Steve Watts, May 09, 2011 12:00pm PDT

The PSN downtime is costing Capcom "hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in revenue" according to senior vice president Christian Svensson.


"Does it ultimately end with a big box asking if you have a netflix account?"

- Malku see all 63 comments

Timeline of Sony data theft

By Steve Watts, May 04, 2011 12:30pm PDT

A detailed timeline of events in the PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment data thefts.


"Right, which is why i am saying that i dont trust the company anymore. To give your credit card ..."

- Voradors see all 7 comments

DC Universe Online giving free month, bat-masks for downtime

By Steve Watts, May 04, 2011 7:45am PDT

DC Universe Online has announced that players will receive 30 days subscription credit, plus one day of credit for each day of downtime, and a Batman-inspired mask.


"That would be much cooler if it were a mask I could actually wear around the streets of my town."

- schnitz76 see all 7 comments

DC Universe Online servers being merged

By Xav de Matos, May 02, 2011 5:30pm PDT

Sony Online Entertainment has revealed that it will merge servers for its super-powered MMO, DC Universe Online. A single server will remain for PC users in the U.S. and one for PS3 players. Europe will also see a merge.


"I don't know personally, but I believe it should seeing as the City of Heroes' location is ..."

- DedlokPM see all 39 comments

Sony Online Entertainment loses 12,700 credit cards, 24.6 million accounts compromised

By Xav de Matos, May 02, 2011 4:20pm PDT

Sony Online Entertainment has revealed it has "lost" 12,700 customer credit card numbers due to the breach of approximately 24.6 million accounts.


"not surprising given that MS was the target du jour years back. they took theirs and learned from it"

- RikiTiki2 see all 75 comments

Sony Online Entertainment pulled due to intrusion

By Steve Watts, May 02, 2011 8:00am PDT

Sony Online Entertainment has pulled its service, saying that it "discovered an issue that warrants enough concern for us to take the service down effective immediately."


Sony Online Entertainment confirms studio closures, cancels The Agency

By Alice O'Connor, Apr 01, 2011 6:10am PDT

SOE has confirmed that its Denver, Seattle and Tuscon studios are closing, 205 are laid off, and that The Agency has been cancelled.


"I would like to think if you're working on the same program for (4) years with no end in ..."

- dedgecko see all 12 comments

Rumor: Massive layoffs at Sony Online Entertainment [Update]

By Alice O'Connor and Xav de Matos, Mar 31, 2011 6:15am PDT

As much as a third of Sony's MMO-making division has been laid off, according to rumours, and three studios may be outright closed.


"Guess DC Universe didn't do very well. Not surprised. It didn't look like it would. I think ..."

- HisDivineOrder see all 31 comments

New EQ 'EverQuest Next' Unveiled

By Alice O'Connor, Aug 09, 2010 7:00am PDT

Sony Online Entertainment has discussed the new instalment in its MMORPG series EverQuest during its 2010 'Fan Faire' event, Eurogamer reports, and...


"This has been alleviated? I don't see how it was an issue to begin with. Ahem... "The ..."

- sinisterDei see all 46 comments

EverQuest II Explores Free-To-Play, Microtransaction Business Model with "Extended"

By Brian Leahy, Jul 27, 2010 2:20pm PDT

Following in the footsteps of other MMORPG games in the shadow of Blizzard's World of Warcraft, Sony Online Entertainment now offers a free-to-play...


"Read the article again, nowhere does it say that extended has to do with Subs. It even says, ..."

- var987 see all 15 comments

Sony Launches Facebook Game for The Agency MMO

By Brian Leahy, May 04, 2010 8:00pm PDT

While development on Sony Online Entertainment's PlayStation 3 MMORPG The Agency has been relatively quiet, the company has launched a Facebook game with


"I remember awaiting this game to release back in 2008. Looks like a 2011 release at this rate. I ..."

- 1Mystic-G see all 7 comments