Sony Computer Entertainment America Videos


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Doki-Doki Universe story trailer

HumaNature Studios and Sony Studio Foster City brings the wonderfully whimsical roleplaying game Doki-Doki Universe to the Playstation universe this December.

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God of War: Ascension multiplayer trailer

Catch a glimpse of the multiplayer gameplay of God of War: Ascension.

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God of War: Ascension single player trailer

Catch a glimpse of the single player storyline of God of War: Ascension.

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Sorcery Science of Magic behind the scenes trailer

How realistic is the magic in Sorcery? Watch this behind the scenes trailer to see the real Science of Magic.

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PixelJunk 4am launch trailer

Get inspired by the PlayStation Move and get into the groove with PixelJunk 4am.

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Sorcery A Hero's Journey developer diary

Learn about the magical experiences waiting for you and your magic wand in Sorcery.

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Sorcery PlayStation Move developer diary

Watch the developers at The Workshop take full advantage of the PlayStation Move motion controller in the first Sorcery developer diary.

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The Unfinished Swan teaser trailer

Explore the bizarre yet wonderful hidden kingdom of The Unfinished Swan.

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Datura promotional trailer

Become immersed in the original, narrative world of Datura using the PlayStation Move.

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God of War: Ascension announcement trailer

There was a time before Kratos was the ghost of Sparta, the destroyer of gods and legends. God of War: Ascension is his tale.

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Unit 13 sharing and competing trailer

Compete with your friends and share your achievements in Unit 13 for the PlayStation Vita.