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CES 2015: Snail Games' push into Android hardware
Snail Games is mostly known for its presence in the Chinese market and its MMORPG Age of Wushu. This year at CES, it presented a push into the Android hardware market, with the OBox for bringing games to 4K TVs, and W and W3D portable devices.
READ MORE >Snail Games USA launching Android-based gaming devices at CES 2015
CES 2015 is right around the corner, and Snail Games USA is preparing to launch Android-based gaming smartphones and a console at this year's show.
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Age of Wushu gameplay trailer
Posted Dec 14, 2012 10:54am PST - 7,915 viewsGet a look at the stunning environments and gameplay of Age of Wushu by Snail Games.
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Age of Wushu gameplay trailer
Posted Dec 14, 2012 10:16am PST - 12 downloadsGet a look at the stunning environments and gameplay of Age of Wushu by Snail Games.
Age of Wushu gameplay trailer
Posted Dec 13, 2012 9:42am PST - 9 downloadsGet a look at the stunning environments and gameplay of Age of Wushu by Snail Games.
"Betting Grandma will by it for her 13 year old Grand Child thinking, its an Xbox on Sale. "
- GBurke59 see all 10 comments