Max Payne 3 web of intrigue trailer
Posted Feb 16, 2012 9:10am PST - 25,033 viewsThe second official trailer for Max Payne 3 begins with the kidnapping of Rodrigo Branco's beautiful young wife, Fabiana, while under Max's protection. As Max fights to uncover the truth behind the kidnapping, he is pulled deeper into a web of violence and deception with little hope of escape as street gangs, paramilitary forces and elite police units fight for influence over the streets of São Paulo, Brazil.

Max Payne 3 'Design & Technology: Creating a Cutting Edge Action-Shooter' Trailer
Posted Nov 17, 2011 9:33am PST - 34,330 viewsLearn about all the bells and whistles going into making Max Payne 3 "cutting-edge."

Grand Theft Auto V 'Debut' Trailer
Posted Nov 02, 2011 9:04am PDT - 110,050 viewsRockstar Games presents Grand Theft Auto V.

Max Payne 3 'Debut' Trailer
Posted Sep 14, 2011 9:06am PDT - 69,410 viewsWhen gangs target the family under his protection, Max is forced to fight to save his clients and clear his name, in a bid to, once and for all, rid himself of the demons that have tortured him for far too long.

LA Noire 'Reefer Madness' Trailer
Posted Jul 07, 2011 9:23am PDT - 38,663 viewsIn L.A. Noire, when a tip from an informant leads Detective Cole Phelps and his Vice desk partner Roy Earle to a local L.A. drug dealer, a deadly shootout ensues and they suddenly find themselves in the throes of one of the city's biggest narcotics rings.