Port Royale Series Videos


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Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants politics and economics trailer

Politics and economics are both afoot in Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants, and any discerning sailor must be savvy in both.

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Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants fleet management walkthrough

Learn how to build and manage vast naval fleets, including merchant convoys, in a second walkthrough for Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants.

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Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants merchant campaign tutorial trailer

The first tutorial trailer for Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants showcases the merchant campaign, detailing how to become the post trader in the game.

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Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants gameplay trailer

Return to the 17th century, where pirates dominate the seas, in Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants.

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Port Royale 3 teaser trailer

The depths of blue call once more in a revelatory adventure through the Caribbean set in the 17th century, where pirates, brigands, and privateers ruled the seas.