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Octodad: Dadliest Catch preview: backyard shenanigans
It turns out that just about anything can be funny if you make a giant octopus do it, as I found out when I went hands-on with Octodad: Dadliest Catch a second time at this year's IndieCade.
READ MORE >Octodad: Dadliest Catch adds PlayStation Move support
If Octodad movements still feel a little too conventional for controller users, Young Horses wants to introduce motion control to the equation, announcing PS Move support for the upcoming Dadliest Catch.
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Octodad 2 'Debut' Trailer
Posted Jul 11, 2011 2:16pm PDT - 44,760 viewsThat zany Octodad just can't stay away, returning to his old antics once more in Octodad 2 by Young Horses.
"haha yeah, i have it and it just sort of sits there... 2 of them too"
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