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Editorial: Bringing the magic back to Final Fantasy
The next-gen Final Fantasy teaser from E3 got people talking, but it could hint at a much bigger (and much needed) series shift than just prettier visuals.
READ MORE >This is what a next-gen Final Fantasy could look like
What would a next generation Final Fantasy look like? Imagine, if you will, a pre-rendered cutscene from Final Fantasy XIII, but running in real time.
READ MORE >"Don't confuse "graphics engine" with "art direction" - most engines can all do the same stuff at ..."
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Agni's Philosophy tech demo
Posted Jun 06, 2012 12:17pm PDT - 27,791 viewsAgni's Philosophy was produced with Luminous Studio, Square Enix's game production environment (engine) for creating next generation quality games.
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Agni's Philosophy tech demo
Posted Jun 06, 2012 10:43am PDT - 436 downloadsAgni's Philosophy was produced with Luminous Studio, Square Enix's game production environment (engine) for creating next generation quality games.
"Hmm... I hadn't thought about it that way... it's a good point and makes a lot of sense. The ..."
- Gwyndion see all 26 comments