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Fire & Forget: The Final Assault launch trailer
Posted Dec 03, 2013 1:15pm PST - 2,254 viewsHumanity is headed to its end as the terrorist group responsible for the initial nuclear holocaust aims to bring about the end of everything in Fire & Forget: The Final Assault.
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Prehistorik launch trailer
Posted Dec 03, 2013 11:27am PST - 10 downloadsPrehistorik is here, finally, from Joystick Replay, an adaptation from the original platformer in the 1990s.
Fire & Forget: The Final Assault launch trailer
Posted Dec 02, 2013 4:58pm PST - 6 downloadsHumanity is headed to its end as the terrorist group responsible for the initial nuclear holocaust aims to bring about the end of everything in Fire & Forget: The Final Assault.