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XBLA House Party lineup priced and dated
The full schedule for this year's Xbox Live Arcade House Party has been revealed, complete with prices and dates for the four lucky games who'll be showing up, busting moves, drinking cheap lager, then trying to snog each other from February 15.
READ MORE >Xbox Live House Party begins February 15
The Xbox Live Arcade House Party kicks off February 15, though details like the order of the line-up, price, and whether or not a free promotion will be offered are still unannounced.
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Xbox Live Arcade 'House Party 2012' Trailer
Posted Jan 23, 2012 10:22am PST - 5,988 viewsXbox Live Arcade House Party 2012 begins February 15, 2012 with Alan Wake's American Nightmare, I Am Alive, Nexuiz, and Warp.
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Xbox Live Arcade 'House Party 2012' Trailer
Posted Jan 22, 2012 12:51pm PST - 4 downloadsXbox Live Arcade House Party 2012 begins February 15, 2012 with Alan Wake's American Nightmare, I Am Alive, Nexuiz, and Warp.