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New F1 game coming this October
Codemasters confirms new F1 game, but it's only sticking with the current generation this year.
READ MORE >F1 2012 'Champions' scenario mode revealed
Pop quiz, hotshot. You've just come out of the pits at Spa Francorchamps on fresh tires, while everyone else is on old rubber, but you're at the back of the pack with three laps to go. What do you do? What do you do? Test yourself in F1 2012's newly-revealed, scenario-based ...
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F1 2012 games vs. reality trailer
Posted Aug 10, 2012 9:19am PDT - 16,499 viewsAnnouncing that yes, Codemasters is bringing out a new Formula 1 racing game in 2012. Here's how some race drivers feel the series compares to reality.
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F1 2012 'Games vs. Reality' Trailer
Posted Mar 19, 2012 6:09am PDT - 42 downloadsAnnouncing that yes, Codemasters is bringing out a new Formula 1 racing game in 2012. Here's how some race drivers feel the series compares to reality.
"Some people will be. This is much later in the season than previous versions. "
- Turd Ferguson see all 3 comments