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SDCC 2018: Snakes, Scorpions, and Skulls in the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Experience
Love skulls? You're gonna love this footage.
READ MORE >SDCC 2018: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Interview: Transforming Lara into the Tomb Raider
With the conclusion of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara will become who she's been destined to be.
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Thief 'Stories from the City: Queen of Beggars' trailer
Posted Jan 12, 2014 2:02pm PST - 26,508 viewsThe second entry into the Stories from the City trailer series for the reboot of the supernatural Thief, detailing the Queen of Beggars and the sure to be thrilling encounters you'll have with her.
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Thief Stories from the City Queen of Beggars trailer
Posted Dec 18, 2013 9:22am PST - 21 downloadsThe second entry into the Stories from the City trailer series for the reboot of the supernatural Thief, detailing the Queen of Beggars and the sure to be thrilling encounters you'll have with her.
Thief Channeling the Primal trailer
Posted Dec 09, 2013 9:24am PST - 26 downloadsGarrett is bound to choose a side, possibly sooner than later, as a supernatural force is unleashed in the new story trailer for Thief.