E3 2011 News


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Hideo Kojima reveals new multiplatform 'Fox Engine,' powers new project

By Xav de Matos, Jun 02, 2011 7:15pm PDT

Legendary game director Hideo Kojima has revealed his company--Kojima Productions--is working on an unannounced multiplatform title which utilizes a new proprietary engine. Details on the "Fox Engine" were slim; however, more is expected at E3.


"1) Clearly, a reference to MGS. The engine is most likely powering yet ANOTHER Metal Gear Solid ..."

- HisDivineOrder see all 27 comments

Konami reveals Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders and Silent Hill 'HD' Collections

By Xav de Matos, Jun 02, 2011 6:42pm PDT

The classic Konami franchises Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders, and Silent Hill will each recieve the 'HD Collection' treatment. MGS and ZOE collections are coming to the Xbox 360 and PS3, while no platforms were named for the Silent Hill collection.


"Even if they didn't do an HD remake of MGS1, I'd still get the 360 port!"

- HamChowder see all 43 comments

Batman: Arkham City preview

By Garnett Lee, Jun 02, 2011 7:15am PDT

The Dark Knight returns in Batman: Arkham City. We get another glimpse at the upcoming, highly-anticipated sequel from developer Rocksteady, using the opportunity to sharpen our crime-fighting skills and to meet up with the playable Catwoman.


"Lykke Li - Get Some is the name of the song during that part of the trailer."

- mlinz23 see all 40 comments

Age of Empires Online content pricing revealed

By Alice O'Connor, Jun 01, 2011 9:30am PDT

"Free-to-play" never means "completely free," and so Microsoft has revealed the perks and bonuses that'll be on sale for the F2P revival of classic strategy series Age of Empires. Oh, and it has a launch date now too.


"Everyone in this thread is a bunch of faggots. You can get everything (except the Defense of ..."

- MercFox1 see all 14 comments

E3 2011: Where to watch the 'big three'

By Shack Staff, May 25, 2011 5:45pm PDT

E3 2011 kicks off with Microsoft's conference on Monday, June 6 (officially, the day before E3), followed by Sony that evening and Nintendo the next morning. But where to watch them? Jump in for the official sources.


"In the time it took me to read this post 800 premature babies were born, 7200 people died of ..."

- Duffman8369 see all 37 comments

BioShock Infinite E3 2011 Preview

By Garnett Lee, May 23, 2011 11:00am PDT

An early look at the BioShock Infinite E3 demo reveals much about the game's action and the relationship between the player character and the mysterious Elizabeth he's sent to rescue.


">>Lacking control, things get away from her and for a moment they find themselves in the ..."

- Walterbennet see all 38 comments

E3 2011 press conferences scheduled

By Xav de Matos, May 09, 2011 12:45pm PDT

Clear your calendars, ladies and gentlemen! The "Big Three" have all revealed the dates and times for their E3 2011 media briefings and Shacknews will be there to cover it all.


"By the end of the show will we be wondering what Microsoft and Sony said/did at their press ..."

- InfernoAblaze see all 35 comments