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20 Games You Would Want on a Sega Dreamcast Mini

By Chris Jarrard, Sep 01, 2017 1:40pm PDT

If I rubbed a lamp containing a genie, one of my three wishes would be for a Dreamcast Mini. The other two wishes would be for Thin Lizzy to un-die and reform and for Kellogg's to bring back Frosted Double Dip Crunch.


"Man I would buy any kind dreamcast re-release in a heartbeat. I seriously have a Dreamcast ..."

- shmargin see all 55 comments

Original Xbox controller designs show how the Dreamcast influenced Microsoft's first console

By Daniel Perez, Jun 27, 2016 8:45am PDT

The Dreamcast appears to have more influence on the original Xbox than most originally thought.


"Wasn't the original Xbox within a hair's breadth of being Dreamcast compatible? That would make ..."

- baron calamity see all 11 comments
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