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Medal of Honor franchise no longer part of EA's 'rotation'

The Medal of Honor series is apparently being put on hold.
READ MORE >Navy SEALs disciplined over Medal of Honor Warfighter consulting

The US Navy has disciplined seven members of SEAL Team 6 for consulting with EA on man-shooter Medal of Honor Warfighter. The special ops chaps spent two days with EA without authorization from a commander, during which classified material slipped past their lips and they sh...
READ MORE >"The thing is, the military gave Act of Valor permission for all of those things, including the ..."
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Medal of Honor: Warfighter Zero Dark Thirty launch trailer
Posted Dec 17, 2012 10:23am PST - 14,346 viewsMedal of Honor: Warfighter launches the Zero Dark Thirty map pack as Danger Close travels to Darra and Chitral.
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Medal of Honor: Warfighter Zero Dark Thirty launch trailer
Posted Dec 17, 2012 10:23am PST - 18 downloadsMedal of Honor: Warfighter launches the Zero Dark Thirty map pack as Danger Close travels to Darra and Chitral.
Medal of Honor: Warfighter Zero Dark Thirty map pack flyover trailer
Posted Nov 06, 2012 2:45pm PST - 40 downloadsTake a tour of the Zero Dark Thirty map pack for Medal of Honor: Warfighter.
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- Darkknit5 see all 41 comments