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Razer proposes PC upgrade subscription service for Project Christine

"Instead of having to pay thousands of dollars in a single shot, there could be a standard subscription fee and you could have always, at any point of time, the best possible PC."
READ MORE >Virtuix Omni preview: eyes-on with full-body virtual reality

Virtuix Omni, a Kickstarted treadmill for gamers, allows gamers to run around in virtual reality worlds--without walking into a wall. It may seem odd, maybe even silly at first, but seeing it in action has made me a believer.
READ MORE >"I just came across someone on Youtube using this and Rift for Minecraft. While I wouldn't really ..."
see all 16 comments
"I'm not as cynical as everyone else on this thing. $45/mo would be a sweet spot, I'd buy."
- phreakshow see all 22 comments