Behaviour Interactive News


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Download Westworld Mobile iOS and Android Game from Warner Bros. Now

By Brittany Vincent, Jun 21, 2018 9:15am PDT

Keep it movin, pardner. 


"I've been playing this today, it's a decent take on the concept. The balance of opening up new ..."

- Code RedBeard see all 6 comments

Deathgarden Closed Alpha Starts Today, Here's How To Get Access

By Charles Singletary, May 09, 2018 1:20pm PDT

Behaviour Interactive is following up Dead by Deadlight with another asymmetrical multiplayer game and you can test starting today.


Dead by Daylight Wants to Play a Game with 'The SAW Chapter'

By Ozzie Mejia, Jan 23, 2018 10:30am PST

Rise and shine, Shackers. You're probably wondering where you are. I'll tell you where you might be. You might be in the room that you die in.


Dead by Daylight Unleashes the Nightmare of Freddy Krueger This Week

By Ozzie Mejia, Oct 25, 2017 10:10am PDT

Iconic horror movie villain Freddy Krueger of 'Nightmare on Elm Street' fame is about to invade Dead by Daylight, so whatever you do, stay awake!


Dead by Daylight's Halloween update welcomes Michael Myers to kill again today

By Daniel Perez, Oct 25, 2016 7:00am PDT

Halloween just wouldn't feel right if Michael Myers weren't involved in some way, don't you think?


Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade coming out of Early Access next month

By John Keefer, Aug 22, 2016 9:36am PDT

The MMO will eventually come to PS4 and Xbox One.


"Agreed. Planetside 2 definitely raised my expectations for a persistent MMOFPS world, and what ..."

- Ride-My-Rocket see all 4 comments

Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is a F2P PlanetSide-ish war 'em up

By Alice O'Connor, Jun 13, 2013 3:15pm PDT

The announcement of Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade this week was quite confusing, both because it was light on details and because, well, it's made by the folks behind Wet and Naughty Bear. But, new details: it'll be a free-to-play PlanetSide-y PvP fight for control of pl...


"Welp, was looking forward to this until I saw who's working on it. Shovelware online games :("

- RithEx see all 10 comments

Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade MMORPG announced

By Alice O'Connor, Jun 12, 2013 9:30am PDT

A MMORPG set in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe has been announced at E3 for PC, Xbox One and PS4 but, er, it's probably not what you're expecting. WH40K: Eternal Crusade will see the Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Orks and Eldar duking it out in a "persisten...


"Yeah. Unless some major publisher is backing this game I think a huge AAA effort like this from ..."

- Dr_Cube see all 31 comments

Doritos Crash Course 2 hits Xbox 360 on May 8, still free

By John Keefer, May 06, 2013 5:00pm PDT

Doritos Crash Course was a cute adver-platformer for the Xbox 360 released in late 2010. Frito-Lay must be shelling out some big bucks because now Doritos Crash Course 2 is on its way--and soon.


"Doritos Crash Course 2 can't hold the jock strap of Cool Spot. "

- rodneystubbs see all 6 comments

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise comes off the naughty step in October

By Alice O'Connor, Sep 28, 2012 1:00pm PDT

Poor Naughty Bear. All he wanted was to be friends with his fellow bears and join in their bearscapades, but they didn't like him and his video game was a bit rubbish. Everyone deserves a second chance, though, and his will come soon. Publisher 505 has announced that the dow...


"Awww, no British English pronunciation of the word "Naughty" in the trailer. I read the first ..."

- the archvile see all 5 comments

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise coming to XBLA and PSN

By Steve Watts, May 31, 2012 3:45pm PDT

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise is coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network, promising more customization options, a leveling system, and an overhauled combat system.