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Call of Duty Elite should be fixed by December 1
Call of Duty Elite was swamped when it launched alongside Modern Warfare 3 this month, leaving most players unable to access the social service. It's still spotty, but Activision has now said that it intends to have everything up and running by December 1
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 'Liberation and Piazza content drops' Trailer
Posted Jan 27, 2012 11:33am PST - 40,424 viewsLieutenant Colonel Rob Riggle presents the first two content drops for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Elite with Liberation and Piazza.
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 'Liberation and Piazza content drops' Trailer
Posted Jan 24, 2012 11:59am PST - 31 downloadsLieutenant Colonel Rob Riggle presents the first two content drops for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Elite with Liberation and Piazza.
Call of Duty Elite 'Join up soldier' Trailer
Posted Jan 23, 2012 4:05pm PST - 30 downloadsPlaying Call of Duty is only the beginning of an extended journey to domination. Only with Elite can you compete against the very best Call of Duty players.
"So subscribers get a free month of shitty service and might, MIGHT have service restored by the ..."
- jtthe2nd see all 5 comments