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Report: Backbone Entertainment hit by layoffs, closure considered
Backbone Entertainment, best known for their work restoring classic games for re-release on HD platforms, has suffered from layoffs. According to sources, the developer could risk closing.
READ MORE >The Simpsons Arcade Game re-release rated
The studio responsible for X-Men on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade appears to be working on yet another retro Konami hit: The Simpsons Arcade Game.
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Midway Origins Arcade announcement trailer
Posted Sep 19, 2012 9:04am PDT - 1,205 viewsClassic titles from the golden age of arcade comes to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 including such hits as Gauntlet, Rampage, Joust, Spy Hunter, Defender, Marble Madness, and more.
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Midway Origins Arcade announcement trailer
Posted Sep 19, 2012 8:53am PDT - 132 downloadsClassic titles from the golden age of arcade comes to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 including such hits as Gauntlet, Rampage, Joust, Spy Hunter, Defender, Marble Madness, and more.
"Yeah, I guess you COULD pirate it but that could apply to any game release. "
- Mecha Tofu Pirate see all 14 comments