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Rad Rodgers Review: Bringing It All the Way Back
This retro-licious platformer is a love letter to games like Commander Keen and Jazz Jackrabbit, but does it deliver on its nostalgic promises? Our review.
READ MORE >3D Realms' Ion Maiden Revealed, Runs on Duke3D.exe's Build Engine
3D Realms is reviving the engine that Duke Nukem 3D was built on. What a time to be alive.
READ MORE >"Now and then it bogged down like back in the old days when 50 enemies were on screen at once"
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Duke Nukem Platformer Pack launch trailer
Posted Jul 02, 2013 12:32pm PDT - 4,631 viewsPick up the classic kick-ass games in one handy package with the Duke Nukem Platformer Pack.
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Duke Nukem Platformer Pack launch trailer
Posted Jul 02, 2013 12:30pm PDT - 192 downloadsPick up the classic kick-ass games in one handy package with the Duke Nukem Platformer Pack.
Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition announcement trailer
Posted Mar 20, 2013 3:56pm PDT - 236 downloadsThe King is back, baby. Meet the Megaton Edition of Duke Nukem 3D.
"Damn, too bad about the language. My younger son would enjoy this, but oh well."
- Madwacker see all 2 comments