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  • 11/05/2019 Registered
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They showed us almost two full minutes of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater today and not one second was spent on Ocelot doing weird cat noises and hand gestures at Snake. 0/10 would not juggle pistols with that trailer again.

They showed us almost two full minutes of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater today and not one second was spent on Ocelot doing weird cat noises and hand gestures at Snake. 0/10 would not juggle pistols with that trailer again.

Sure, we could just be boring and call this a ragequit, but I prefer to believe that I wall-broke this Sol so hard that the structural integrity of the very match itself collapsed. #GGStrive

It’s late and you should go to sleep, but given how Bowser responded to Elephant Peach, you wonder why Mario didn’t just introduce Bowz to Madame Flurry and put an end on their battle, once and for all?

It’s late and you should go to sleep, but given how Bowser responded to Elephant Peach, you wonder why Mario didn’t just introduce Bowz to Madame Flurry and put an end on their battle, once and for all?

Sorry fellow handsome cowboy. The only one carving Ws out of folks round here is yours truly.

Me anytime I have to walk the dog, cook dinner, clean the apartment, or check work comms this weekend.

Me anytime I have to walk the dog, cook dinner, clean the apartment, or check work comms this weekend.

2D Sonic and 2D Mario Bros. reviews headlining our website. I wonder when the last time that happened was? What an incredible year of games. #SuperMarioBrosWonder #SonicSuperstars

2D Sonic and 2D Mario Bros. reviews headlining our website. I wonder when the last time that happened was? What an incredible year of games. #SuperMarioBrosWonder #SonicSuperstars

Sometimes my hands get ahead of my brain in #GuiltyGearStrive and I level up by doing something I never expected would work and just going with it. Freak, I love playing this game.

State Fair gave me an idea for a buddy cop action-comedy.

State Fair gave me an idea for a buddy cop action-comedy.

An actual, real moment from Sam and I riding on the train to the Texas State Fair when the intercom comes on.

Intercom: Howdy there. Big Tex here and it’s the time of year for the State Fair.

Sam: (leaning to me and whispering) That’s Big Tex’s voice.

An actual, real moment from Sam and I riding on the train to the Texas State Fair when the intercom comes on.

Intercom: Howdy there. Big Tex here and it’s the time of year for the State Fair.

Sam: (leaning to me and whispering) That’s Big Tex’s voice.

Sometimes, you just gotta take a stand and say “okay, no more hitting me for the rest of the round.”

Hello, Meet Lola