Rumor: Leaked release dates for Mass Effect Andromeda and South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Xbox Live's rewards page lists late-March releases for those and other games, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
Microsoft's Xbox Live Rewards page lists release dates of March 30 and March 31 for South Park: The Fractured But Whole and Mass Effect Andromeda, respectively.
Neither South Park publisher Ubisoft nor Mass Effect maker BioWare have announced official releases for either game. Additionally, neither studio has spoken out against the possible leak from Microsoft.
Someone else has, though. Ed Boon, co-creator of Mortal Kombat and director at Warner Bros. Games, took to Twitter to address the release date listed for Injustice 2 on Xbox Live Rewards. "FYI: Injustice 2 is not coming out March 28," he tweeted.
Of course, Boon would be expected to deny the date if he or the other Powers That Be at Warner Bros. weren't ready to spill those beans just yet.

Other clues indicate that Microsoft's leaked dates could be close to the mark. This particular Rewards promotion targets games due out in quarter one of 2017. BioWare delayed Mass Effect Andromeda, which kicks off a new chapter in the sprawling sci-fi universe, to early this year. Ubisoft also pushed South Park to Q1 2017.
Other games targeted in the promotion include Resident Evil 7, For Honor, and Halo Wars 2—all due out between early January and late March, the Q1 window.
To be fair, the program also lists Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, which is set for release in early April.
David Craddock posted a new article, Rumor: Leaked release dates for Mass Effect Andromeda and South Park: The Fractured But Whole