Chatty Community's 2016 Games of the Year

With the Shacknews Game of the Year revealed, it's time to take a look at our Chatty Community's favorite games, and how their votes impacted the site's overall list.


The Shacknews Game of the Year has been revealed, and you can see the full line-up with all of our articles and roundtable discussions. One important GOTY tradition remains, and that's the reveal of our Chatty community's Game of the Year. Our community is one of the pillars of Shacknews, and we truly believe it sets us apart. To that end, we count its collective GOTY vote with equal weight as one staff vote. This year, more than any year prior, that had a serious impact on our final results.

Chatty's Game of the Year:

  • #10: Dishonored 2
  • #9: Inside
  • #8: Stardew Valley
  • #7: The Witness
  • #6: Uncharted 4
  • #5: Battlefield 1
  • #4: Dark Souls 3
  • #3: Titanfall 2 
  • #2: Overwatch 
  • #1: Doom

The top two games were blowouts, among both the staff and Chatty community. Doom topped our list with nearly double the points of any other contender. Similarly, the second place finisher, Overwatch, nearly doubled the points of the third-place finisher. On Chatty, the larger pool of votes made the difference even more stark. Doom had almost three times the points of Overwatch, and Overwatch had almost three times the points of Titanfall 2. However the rest of the list shakes out, those two are far and away our favorite games of the year.

This year our official site top 10 had a three-way tie at the #8 spot, and that's Chatty's doing. The staff list without the Chatty vote would have included Pokemon Go and Killing Floor 2 rounding out the bottom of the list, but Chatty pushed Titanfall 2 and Dark Souls 3 to catch up with Forza Horizon 3. Without the influence of Chatty's vote, neither of those games would have made the cut. They're all deserving, and we thank Chatty for letting its voice be heard. 

Check out our full Game of the Year line-up to see the rankings, along with our personal favorites, and more retrospectives.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    December 30, 2016 10:00 AM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, Chatty Community's 2016 Games of the Year

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 10:01 AM


    • reply
      December 30, 2016 10:17 AM

      I'd love to see the full data set. Only two of my top five are on this list.

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 10:23 AM

      I really like how you include Chatty in this.

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 10:24 AM

      Yeah, that sounds about right, except that Witcher 3 should be on there.

      • reply
        December 30, 2016 10:47 AM

        Witcher 3 was 2015 though :)

        • reply
          December 30, 2016 10:50 AM

          True. However there was that DLC that came out plus with as much attention that game still gets one might think the game was just released!

        • reply
          December 30, 2016 1:19 PM

          Witcher 3 is the game of every year.

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 10:35 AM

      I think I'm too old for Overwatch or FPS MPs now. Overwatch is gorgeous, well made, fun to play, and it has an interesting universe, but whenever I play it, it quickly turns to a stress-fest or I rage, which is pretty much the opposite of what I want from my gaming these days. BF1 is about the same, though I am really impressed by the campaign. It might be different if I had friends to play with, but for now, old man VictoriouSecret doesn't consider it so high on the list, if only for the genre. DOOM though, DOOM is my pick. I just barely started Dishonored 2 (thanks, Dew Fuel!!), but it's fantastic so far too.

      • reply
        December 30, 2016 4:07 PM

        Im with you... MP isnt worth the annoyance/aggravation anymore...

      • reply
        December 31, 2016 10:51 AM

        I'm the opposite, I just couldn't get into it during the beta because it seemed so slow compared to Titanfall or Reflex or Quake Live or other games I'd rather be playing. I need to give it another shot I guess, but it seemed like an FPS game designed for MOBA players and RTS players who obsess over build orders and people who like MMOs more than an FPS game designed for me and that's fine...Titanfall 2, Reflex, Tribes Ascend (and now Midair), and the upcoming Quake Champions are all games that are more targeted to my tastes.

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 10:36 AM

      Gah, Dishonored 2 got robbed big time.

      • reply
        December 30, 2016 2:14 PM

        Nah, it just got released too late in the year and appeals to too small of an audience to make it high on these "community" lists. Honestly, I'm glad that it made it onto the list at all!

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 11:15 AM

      Huh. There wasn't a single thing from my list on there. Not terribly surprised though.

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 11:39 AM


    • reply
      December 30, 2016 12:19 PM

      Before I click, are there any first person shooters on the list? I feel like there's a dearth of them in the American market.

      • reply
        December 30, 2016 12:21 PM

        Nope, not a single one.

      • reply
        December 30, 2016 1:34 PM

        Stardew Valley has a secret mode to switch to FPS-mode! It requires very specific harvesting though...

      • reply
        December 30, 2016 2:20 PM

        BF1, Titanfall 2, CoD, Overwatch and Doom this year?

      • reply
        December 30, 2016 2:25 PM

        Is that meant to be snarky?

        There were some great FPSes this year, some of which didn't make the list. Plenty of other good stuff, but it should not be a surprise that a community that was built upon a Quake fan site has many users voting for solid shooter games. It's far and away still the #1 genre here.

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 2:32 PM

      That is a damn fine list. 2016 may have sucked in a lot of ways but, wow, there were some amazingly good games released this year.

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 2:54 PM


      • reply
        December 31, 2016 3:15 AM

        This is still the id-lovin'Shack that we all remember!

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 2:59 PM


    • reply
      December 30, 2016 3:26 PM

      The inevitable conclusion.

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 4:20 PM

      Glad to see Stardew Valley some love from my fellow farmers!

    • reply
      December 30, 2016 4:42 PM


    • reply
      December 31, 2016 12:29 AM

      No Hitman is a travesty. That games is amazing.

    • reply
      December 31, 2016 12:42 AM

      I'm glad Yakuza 0 is getting released in January, because that means it actually has a chance of making the GOTY lists in 2017 :(

      • reply
        December 31, 2016 3:05 AM

        I'm looking forward to that game. It looks really cool and would be something new for me.

    • reply
      December 31, 2016 3:22 AM

      Yay for UNCHARTED 4, the only platform-exclusive game (PS4) to get the votes (and obviously it got mine).

      Re: DOOM I've heard the multiplayer isn't that great (?) so would you say it's getting mostly votes for the SP campaign?

      • reply
        December 31, 2016 3:56 AM

        It's mostly votes from old dudes

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