Watch #TheGameAwards with @GregBurke85 and @technosucks
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Asif Khan posted a new article, Watch #TheGameAwards with @GregBurke85 and @technosucks
I agree with you ^^^^ :( , no Doom 4 wtf?
-Shadow Warrior 2
-Grim Dawn
-Uncharted 4
-Dark Souls III
-Gears of Wars 4
-Forza Horizon 3
-Tttanfall 2
-Dishonored 2
-Watchdogs 2
-Mafia 3
-The Witness
-Far Cry Primal
-Battlefield 1
-Final Fantasy XV
-No Man's Sky
There where just so many amazing games this year I can't understand how a arena FPS could be GOTY from all of the games I listed. But that is just my personal opinion. I played Overwatch for a bit and did not like it at all and it wasn't fun, but that is just me.
I think having one game be GOTY is stupid anyways they need to fix that and start doing by genera like: FPS, Fighter, Car game, MP, Side Scroller, Platformer, RPG, ARPG, etc.
All well what can you do.-
I played the Overwatch Beta for three days. I just could not get into it, felt slow, bullet sponge combat, unbalanced, and frustrating. I ended up playing with Reinhardt for he could actually kill people everyone else I tried I would keep shooting the opposition like crazy and they end up eventually killing me no matter what I did. It was just not fun for me and really frustrating, I would rage out. I am not a moba guy so that is probably why I don't like it since I love FPSes and it sure doesn't feel like one.
I am sure the game has changed since then but a base of a game usually never changes from beta or the play style and type of game it is. So I decided its just not for me, I rarely don't have fun with a game but this was one of them. This doesn't mean its a bad game, just not my thing.
Both Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 had instant gratification/felt fair and where fun when I played their MP I tried really hard to find that in Overwatch but it was just not their.
Who knows how Overwatch plays now, obviously 20m+ gamers love it and they probably all love DOTA2, HOS and LOL as well.
Oh well, this is why I think GOTY all together is sort of silly for not everyone will like the same type of game, it will never be fair just like every other awards show.
At the end of the day who cares, we should just enjoy/support the games we love that is what matters.
I thought Titanfall 2 as a complete package with its epic SP and MP was better than Overwatch and offered more all at a high quality.
I guess its all about how many units you sell, for we all know Titanfall 2 did not sell 20m+ units.
On the end of the day its just an award, you can't take it seriously or get mad I guess.-
Technically Spike Television is no longer involved.
Though it's difficult to tell as the format is basically unchanged. It's still overwhelmingly commercials for things and people that aren't being awarded as well as unrelated products that are aimed at males 12-35. All of which is briefly interrupted by the occasional award for games that largely win due to financial impact.
Admittedly, I was a little surprised when That Dragon, Cancer won.
It's pretty interesting to me. The game has sold a metric shitload, is obviously insanely popular with a huge player base, has leaked into other areas of pop culture, but it seems kind of...quiet?
Perhaps it's because the league hasn't really started yet. It's like a silent juggernaut that is just moving along without a ton of noise. You see far more hubbub about league and csgo on the internets.
valcan have you played Overwatch? I know you generally don't play MP games.
Personally I'm happy to see a multiplayer only title win GOTY, instead of insert super obvious choice of big budget AAA title here. Most coworkers I talk to have never heard of Overwatch, maybe this will help. Doom would have been great too, but least it picked up a few awards already.-
Just the Beta. No its cool that a MP game got it even though I am a SP guy mostly, I just thought Battlefield 1 would of get MP of the year even though I personally wanted Titanfall 2 to win(which I knew would never happen).
This year had so many good games no matter what game got GOTY would of been a upset. They really should dump GOTY all together and just leave all the other categories they have now and add more of them.