The Division update 1.2 will raise Phoenix Credits cap; lower Gear Score for new Incursion

More details regarding The Division's update 1.2 have been revealed today.


The Division’s servers have returned from its weekly scheduled maintenance period. Even though no changes were made to the game this week, Massive Entertainment has revealed the next major update will double the amount of Phoenix Credits Agents can hold, as well as lowering the Gear Score for the next Incursion.

In The Division’s latest State of the Game stream, Massive revealed Agents should expect to be able to hold 2,000 Phoenix Credits once update 1.2 is released. Also, the next Incursion, currently called Broken Circle, will have a suggested Gear Score of 150 instead of the previously displayed Gear Score of 220.

While Massive assures fans it won’t include any major changes to weapons in update 1.2, the studio says an update that focuses squarely on tweaking weapons will come sometime after The Division’s next major update. The upcoming update will see all weapons receive some kind of nerf, so don’t get too attached to whatever it is you’re wielding now.

Here are some additional changes and fixes coming to The Division in update 1.2:

  • Bug for the Sentry Gear Set automatically targeting players during the Dark Zone will be fixed
  • Bug where players don’t receive weekly rewards for the Falcon Lost Incursion will be fixed
  • Brutal talent will be nerfed
  • Balanced talent will allow quick scoping
  • Forced talent with Sentry Gear Set will change
  • Reckless talent will “work properly”
  • Performance gear mods to be buffed
  • The introduction of a Toughness character stat will combine Health, Armour and Stamina
  • Armour cap will be increased to 75 percent
  • VOIP indicator will now be in the UI

Massive has yet to reveal when we can expect update 1.2 to be released, although the studio did hint at its release date being announced during next week's State of the Game stream.

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